I'm not going to sugar coat things. It's too damn hard to do that some times, and this is one of those times.

Remember how I was thinking about selling the dresses? Well, I'm now on the fence about it. Why? Because material isn't cheap, and because I think for me to make any kind of profit at all, I'd need to sell them for $45 or $50. And I don't know if I want to do that, but... well, let me explain.

On to the "not sugar coating anything": I lost my job on Monday (it's been almost a week, as today is Sunday). I'm okay, Nix is okay, and most importantly, we are okay. Monday was rough - especially when I had my ugly cry that evening. Not because of the job loss, nope. But because I was afraid that we would have to move away from here before the end of June... which is when we are going to see The Lion King in DC. He calmed me down, and we're still going to go. Phew. We can afford to live here through the end of our lease, but then we absolutely have to move. If I get a job here, we will be staying here. If I don't, I don't know where we will go.

I think we want to stay here - at least for a little while. Nix has gotten some really spectacular opportunities with church - he was asked to be in charge of media! Which means the production team (aka sound) and the slides for worship & the service. It really means that he is in charge of the people running the stuff on Sunday morning & evening. And now the church is planning some nights of worship on like, Wednesday evenings this summer, and he's responsible for making sure the technical side of those goes well too! Anyway, it's a great opportunity for him, and I know he's thrilled with it. It makes it a little rough because he's so busy with church stuff now - but I'm getting more involved too. I wrote up a proposal to renovate the kitchen space, it's badly needed. We need storage for the band equipment and what-not, so that space could be used for that kind of thing - if it's organized (right now, it's a giant mess).

But - back to the job loss thing. I sent my resume for a job with the local arts council on Friday, hopefully that works out. Our pastor met with us on Wednesday to see how we're doing and that kind of thing - and he told me to apply. He knows all the people (or at least it seems like he does) so I imagine if he says "APPLY" I have a good shot of getting it. Plus, I listed him as one of my references.... yea, I name dropped a little. I am not ashamed! Anyway, keep your fingers crossed... I needed a change of scenery. I didn't realize I did until I got home on Monday and realized that I was more relieved than anything else. So I'm hoping that this job with the arts council works out... it sounds fun and the hours! Oh the hours. I think their office is open 9:30-4:30. Which would mean almost normal hours! I'd probably have to work some evenings/weekends when there are events going on, but I can totally do that. I mean, it's for the arts.

And back to the dress conundrum: so now you see my dilemma. I need to actually make some income off of the dresses. I'm going to branch out - I think - and make bags too. Purses, reusable grocery bags, who knows what else. I think I'm going to start selling locally, because that makes sense to me. And yea, I'm still working on the idea of the etsy store. Our pastor asked us if we could do anything, what would we be doing? Because we won't ever have this kind of opportunity again. He was right - and the etsy store was the first thing I thought of. Well, besides traveling. But we can't afford to travel anywhere right now. Ha! So, etsy store it is - because why not? I have the time now to actually make some things and oh yea!

So I talked to my family about it and during my conversation with my mom I casually mentioned the etsy store thing. While we were talking she asked, "Well, would a serger help?" I said, "Probably, but I can't afford one right now. I was actually trying to think of a way to convince you to let me bring your serger back with me after we come visit in July..." And she went on about how the needle or something is broken and it would need to be fixed... and some other stuff. Well, guess what showed up at our house on Wednesday? Yep. A SERGER. A new serger. My mom rocks. Seriously, she rocks. She didn't tell me she ordered one, it just appeared. It's also a brother - the same maker as my sewing machine. I have to go find some more thread - it's a 4 spool serger. And now I have to figure out how to thread it and do all that other kind of learning about a new machine. Normal sewing machines are easy to learn. Sergers are a little more complicated. But so worth it!

Anyway, so this week has been relaxing - sort of. I've been trying not to focus on the crap hitting the fan or any of that. I'm trying to keep my head on straight and not panic. We have a great support system here, and we can see ourselves staying here for a while. Not forever, but for a while. Maybe a year or two. Though, that does all depend on the job situation...

Oh! I completely forgot. On the job side: because there is no looming "end date" to us being here, Nix can job hunt for a more permanent thing! Like, with a school. Like I said, our pastor knows people and Nix has the experience being a theater manager with a school before - during our meeting Wednesday morning he (PW) emailed one of his contacts. I don't think we have heard anything back yet, but hey! It's a start.

TL;DR: I lost my job. I got a severance check. I applied for a job, and am continuing the hunt. We are okay. We may not move away from this place because we like it and Nix has some pretty awesome opportunities that just opened up with church. I'm working on ideas for the etsy store. My mom is amazing, and sent me a serger.

Anyway, Nix should be getting back from work soon and I haven't showered or anything and Nat-cat is being weird and looking like she wants to get on the counter for something or other. But there's nothing there! Plus, she knows better. She's not allowed on the counters...