I apologize in advance: this will be scatter brained and probably not make much sense.

Yaaay! Today is our 1 year wedding anniversary! We exchanged gifts and we're hanging out now. We're going shopping and to dinner this evening at a local brewpub - which I'm excited about. (Yay beer!) Then when we get home we'll do cake. We have enough cake to last us days, it's kind of ridiculous but we'll see if it's even any good. I mean, it has been in the freezer for a year. Well wrapped, but still, in the freezer. We unwrapped it and put it in the fridge about an hour ago, we'll see if it has defrosted(ish) by the time we get home and eat it.

Okay, bragging time a little bit. Nix got us tickets to see Beauty and the Beast on stage in January!!!!! I'm only freaking out a little bit.... (lol) I'll probably cry when it starts like I did when we saw The Lion King. I'm not kidding. Rafiki came on stage and started singing, and when the first giraffe came on stage, I started crying. It was ridiculous. I didn't even cry when, SPOILER!, Mufasa dies, but I did during Circle of Life. I'm weird like that, I guess. I was so excited to see it I think I just couldn't handle it anymore, haha. Maybe I was just a bit overwhelmed that I was actually seeing it and stuff. I should remember to bring tissues with me this time, just in case, lol. Since the theater we're going to is in DC, we may try and see if we can go see a museum before we go to the show that evening. Depends on if we can get off work for the day.

OH. And.... the real reason you're here that I didn't tell you about... we got anniversary pictures taken yesterday! We only have one so far, we should be getting the rest in a couple of weeks. Since I can't focus anymore on anything because BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, here's the picture! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day/week/etc.