I'm so happy our blog section of the site has been so active! I just wanted to write a post here so all our LFAD bloggers would see it and offer a few tips.
  1. I made our forums private, but the blogs are open for public viewing by default. This is so people can share their blog posts with people who are not members. If you want to make your blog private go to Blog Settings > Permissions & Privacy and you can change whether or not guests can view your blog. (Another tip... on this same page you can choose to subscribe to get notifications of comments to your blog posts by email or just on your user control panel - the default is "do not subscribe." You can also choose to subscribe before you post a blog entry.)

  2. Blog posts can be "promoted" to articles. If you want to write an article for the site and have it appear on the member area's home page, send me the link to your blog post and I will review it and edit it if necessary and then promote it. Articles should be related to long distance relationships.

  3. Right now our only global category is "Long Distance Relationships." But you can create your own personal blog categories. Go to Blog Settings > Manage Categories to add your own categories. If you have any suggestions for global categories that all LFAD bloggers can use, please leave your comments below in the comments.

  4. Custom pages. If you want to create your own pages for your blog, (eg. About Me page) you can do so by going to Blog Settings > Edit Custom Pages. And just a tip, it is better looking to have the Display Location be the Sidebar under your name and picture.

  5. Rate other people's blog posts if you read them. That way people can be featured on the right side of the blog page.

If you have any other tips for other LFAD bloggers that you have figured out, leave your comments below!