So I am sitting here while I should be typing my meeting minutes for Park Plaza that absolutely have to be done no later than today with one million things running through my head. The most frustrating part of who I am is the one thing that other people envy? Yes. I can multi task. But do you have any idea how much it drives me crazy? To not just be able to sit here and block out all of the things that aren't even important, or that phone conversation that Joseph is having three cubicles away?

Yes, my stress level is down. I am finally excited about apartment shopping, and have a few that I am thrilled to go and look at for much cheaper than what I was planning on spending. In a great location. With fireplaces and balconies? Yes please.

Instant messaging, blogging, e-mail, music, meeting minutes, helping co workers it's absolutely maddening. I just want to do one. thing. at. a. time.