I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN TODAY. Like I could not get out of bed because the fetal position was the most comfortable one that I could find. Stupid cramps! it has not been this bad in like 2 years. *Screams* I really cannot wait for this day to be over with.

That being said I'm just in a very BLEH mood today. People are like hi and I'm like if you could just pretend for today that I'm invisible, I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you for stopping by my cubicle now can't you see that I'm in envelopes up to my ears and you are bothering me?! heh... yeah.

So that being said, I'm going to send my SO a text and see if he's up for some quality time tonight.

I hope everybody else is having a better day than I feel.

Okay... All of that being said, I thought I had hit Post Now and went on to doing something else and like 30 seconds later the woman who sorts the mail brought me my letter! Turned my whole day around like he does on accident every single flipping day...

He's probably going to be embarrassed but I'm going to share anyway cause I teared up!... *hums innocently* (I love you baby)

"To the woman who sets my heart aflame,

Sitting here writing this makes me realize how easy it is to love you & how comfortable I feel in doing so. I have no burning need to write my thoughts to paper, no words that itch and pull and my heart. The reason for this is that you accept my words and thoughts with such conviction and such love, that I enjoy saying these things to you personally!

It's a beautiful thing, this love that we share. I treasure the precious moments that we spend silently in each others arms, listening to our steady breathing. I know in those moments with such vigor, that i want to spend the rest of my life growing, learning & loving you.

With all my love, caring, tenderness & devotion,


There's a picture attached at the bottom that says "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle - rather a great reminder of just how strong true love can be."

And just like that I am on cloud 9 and my mood is gone and my tummy aches are barely noticeable.