I think I'd like to start and vent about Thursday night. I've been calling it a near death experience. I've mentioned it before but, I work at a school/campus for children and adults on the autism spectrum. Though many of our residents have other disabilities, such as MR and epilepsy. One child in particular had none of these things, she was admitted to our campus before the terms of admittance changed to specifically kids on the autism spectrum. I'm not entirely sure what her particular diagnosis is, but she has the capability to become very violent at the drop of a hat for no reason. Its kind of scary. For privacy reasons, i can't say her name or any more specifics then I've already listed. But here's what happened the other night.

I work the overnight, 3rd shift on campus. I work in one of the residences. Typically, the overnight is pretty peaceful, the girls sleep. They get up for the occasional bathroom break, but that's about it. This child in particular typically does get up and go to the bathroom once or twice a night. She says hi, and good night and goes back to bed. She did so this night and went back to bed so I thought nothing of it, cuddled back up on the couch with my laptop. About 15 minutes later, without a word she comes back out of her room and charges right at me. Somehow, despite it being so early in the morning, my fight or flight kicked in (and considering where I work its mostly always flight). I bolted up off the couch, ran around the living room table and ran into the kitchen locking the door behind me. She chased me the whole way. My co worker joined me, I called all the necessary people and we waited it out. Another 20 minutes goes by, 2 extra staff in the house and 3 people notified of whats going on she goes back in her room. As the hours roll by we realize she finally must have gone back to sleep, but as we prepared the other girls for school all were kept away from her room just as a precaution. I just am seriously glad I was awake enough to respond, bc if she had gotten me I would have been up a shits creek without a paddle. All we can do now is wait and hope this doesn't become a regular thing. First shift cheered me up...a lot. <3 them.

Anyway, fast forward to Friday. Needless to say that night left me exhausted, I hadn't even been able to close my eyes after that drama. So, when I got home I crashed really fast. I knew however, I would only be able to sleep for roughly 3 hours because I had an appointment to get my second tattoo at 1:30, then my bf at 3pm. Getting up was NOT easy, but I somehow managed to get up out of bed, showered and in the car before 1pm (with a lot of pushing from Charles). Now, you are supposed to eat a full meal before you get a tattoo...I can't do that. I can't even eat first thing in the morning right after I wake up. I'm just not a first thing in the morning breakfast person. Anyway so we get to the tattoo place, I sit down and roughly 2 hours later my second tattoo is complete (tribal ivy bracelet with green accents). No, biggie, I've done the tattoo thing before. Then...it was Charles' turn.

He was nervous, it was written all over his face. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Well he sat down and I held his hand and he gritted his teeth and got that shit done. I was so proud. Though he said I had a better, "meh this doesn't hurt face" then him. He got a Celtic knot with a ankh at the base. Its actually quite pretty. Can't ever say I've seen so much blood lacing a tattoo before but whatever, it was fine this morning. So after the tattoos I was famished. It was 5:30 and I had a massive headache from not eating all day. So we went next door to get some Chinese food. Nothing like chicken and broccoli and crab Rangoons to make you feel full.

After, Charles had asked me before how I felt about going to his local comic/gaming shop to participate in a magic tournament. I wasn't keen on the idea. I told him this. He plays and I sit around awkwardly. I hate it. I know the logistics of magic, but if you aren't playing then you are just hanging out doing nothing. Despite me saying I didn't really want to go, that's where we ended up. I spent 15 minutes in that place and went back to the car. He didn't notice. About a half hour later I got a phone call asking where I was, and I told him I was napping in the car. Keep in mind that I live in NY and its still dipping below 30*after sunset. So, I was covered in three sweatshirts, turning the car on every hour when i woke up cold. Finally, about 3 hours later he emerges from the store.

First question out of his mouth is, "Are you mad?". OF COURSE I'M MAD YOU LEFT ME IN THE CAR FOR THREE HOURS AFTER I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO COME! And what makes it worst is this is about the 4th time he's done this to me. Twice at Nerf events and twice with Magic. I'm sorry they aren't my things! Don't drag me along and expect me to participate or not feel out of place bc I do! So, we drove, I cried and he apologized. He said he wouldn't do it again, that he was just excited to maybe win for once. He also said we could go get iced cream (which is the instant forgiveness gift). Took me around a half hour to calm myself down and talk to him again. I was just so frustrated! I am never off on Fridays from both jobs. I thought after the tattoos we would do something fun together, not him do something fun and me wait around for hours. I think that's what hurt the most. What a shitty way to spend my Friday night off. I almost would have rather have been at work.

Well, after some chili cheese tatter tots, and a Oreo sonic blast I was OK again. I really just needed to get all that out. Been a trying two days.