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Do holidays matter?
I’ve been in a LDR with my boyfriend for over 11 months. He lives about 3 hours away, which I know is nothing compared to other LDR couples, but with...
Activities on a time budget
Hie, I was reading all your nice suggestions for things to do with your SO when you are apart. I find that the trouble with engaging my SO in a lot of...
Skype? Too much?
Is it crazy that my SO and I Skype LITERALLY 24/7? I mean we literally sleep, shower, potty, study, play games, drive, go to the store (via cell phone...
How well does your partner really know you?!
I play this game with Matthew ALL the time on BlackBerry Messenger. It can also be played over the phone or through texting.
How To Play:...
Physically, how much?
How much time do you actually end up spending, physically, with your SO each year?
In 2009 i spent about 63 days with my boyfriend, in total, while...
What do you think?
Which is harder waiting long periods of time between visits to see your SO or departing when the visits are over?