I had a job interview in the town where we are living now. It's for a restaurant and the interview seemed to go well. My SO just got a job in London and we've talked about moving closer but would take our time to move so we could find something that suited us.
If I get this job I would like to stay at it for a couple months at least. I haven't been working and to accept a job then quit after a couple weeks to move seems pointless and not really fair to the company.
My parents and sister are also planning to visit first week of July so it would be great if they could stay with us instead of renting a hotel. It seems like I wouldn't get to see them as much if they stayed at a hotel. So my thinking is if offered the job I could take it for 3 months, save up so that I can afford to go do a little traveling with my family while they are here and then think about moving afterwards.
My SO seems really shocked at this, even though I've expressed that I like our living situation just not the location, and said that we shouldn't just stay here so my family can get a free trip or something along those lines. I am kinda pissed off how he said it, kind of like we aren't just going to stay there so you can host your family. I get that that isn't a reason to stay where we are but if I am offered a job in the town we are now, would it really by so bad to stay here a couple extra months??

His commute wouldn't be so bad for his new job. Do you think its unfair of me to ask to stay here until mid july? So that I can work and save to travel with my family as well as be able to have a place for them to stay?

I am all for finding a job in London but so far it hasn't happened, if it did then yea I'd be all for moving closer right away and if my parents had to rent a hotel then fine. And the worst part of all is he tells me he isn't telling me not to take the job and that restaurants have a high turn over and I could quite right away if I had to. So now I feel like I shouldn't ever take it. Ugh I don't know what to do and this probably isn't making sense cause I'm slightly tipsy.