I guess I should blog as well, seeing as all the cool kids are doing it. Nothing too exciting to blog about though.

On Monday night we had a staff dinner, I had a really good time. Everyone got dressed up and I will admit I quite liked the compliments. The other girls I work with always wear their nice fashionable clothes to work but because I only ever go from home to work I just wear my scrubby work jeans with my work shirt and hair tied back. I took the time to curl my hair, wore a dress and everyone was like "woah you can look like a girl!" Just kidding they didn't actually say that but I'm sure it's what they were thinking.
Anyway dinner was nice and then we headed to a bar.I don't think I had to pay for any of my drinks which was awesome! I danced so much! I haven't gone dancing in such a long time. I danced with everyone, one of the cooks, this big turkish guy started getting a little close so that was a little bit awkward. I just kept trying to make him spin so he'd either get dizzy or I'd have time to make my getaway. We ended up staying at the bar until it closed. I left my phone in coat check so I was half excepting a text from my SO asking why I wasn't home or whatever. I did have a text but he didn't give my any grief for staying out until 4am which I was happy about. I had this brilliant idea of putting a pair of kitten heels in my bag for the walk home but when I changed into them they were even more uncomfortable then my boots but didn't want the effort of putting my boots back on so I walked home looking like a complete drunk staggering fool cause my feet were so sore. Maybe that is why my legs and toe hurts so much!

I've been talking to my friends Sister about her bridal shower. I asked her what kind of gifts someone would give at a shower and she said kitchen home things. To me that just says "congrats on getting hitched, here are some things that will make you a good little house wife" I think kitchen stuff sounds boring. For any of you that have been to or had a shower what did you give/get? I kind of think shower gifts should be for the bride and save the boring stuff for wedding gifts?

I started seeing this counsellor last week. She has some helpful advice but I think after I see her tomorrow I might cut it off. I think I can get just as good help here as I can from her but for much cheaper. I also don't think I have that much to talk about to continue for very long.

My SO booked tickets to Canada to come to my friends wedding and then we plan on doing some camping for a couple weeks. I am excited but kind of unsure. Since our talk things haven't changed. We had sex once and then nothing, zip, nada. I'm at the point where if he still isn't over me cheating over a year ago, he might never be. I find myself struggling and being angry and when he goofs around I just don't want any of it. It's affecting me and I don't know what to do about it. Talking about it doesn't seem to help, I don't even think I know how to be sexual with him. The thing is I know I need to have another conversation with him, but I fear that it will end up being the last conversation I have with him and then what do we do about the trip we've planned to berlin/krakow and his plane ticket to Canada?

Guess I did have a bit to talk about

Also ..................