My sister just did my makeup. I told her I had no idea what to do for the wedding and she has more makeup then I know possible so she jumped at the chance to help me. I feel like it is over done but my mom and sister both say it looks nice. My sister said it is just basic, I am just used to uber basic. She just eyeshadow, mascara, liner, lip gloss and some stuff for my "bags' and blush...oh and some eyebrow pencil cause I have strange shaped ones. It looks okay. I am going to try doing it on my own on Saturday for the Bachelorette party.

I think I am all ready for the party. The other bridesmaid and I met last week and came up with some stuff and then a couple days ago messages me saying we should change some things and that she was talking to the other girls invited and they thought this and that. It kinda pissed me off so I just told her to do whatever she thought was best. "No no you are the bridesmaid I thought I'd just ask" Nothing really ended up changing. She thought we should go out for dinner first and then back to someones house before going out again which seemed stupid to me. It also makes me gag the way she writes emails. BM (bridesmaid for anyone that didn't get it) can't bring up her husband without adding an amazing or wonderful. "She can wear something with colour so that she stands out and shines (which she'll do anyway because she's marrying the love of her life in LESS THAN A MONTH!! Whoo!!) " and I know Sheila is so excited for her little party and how wonderful is it to celebrate such a beautiful girl who never seeks attention or the spot light I can't wait to shower her with attention and show her how much we all love and value her on Saturday night! Do people actually talk like that? It makes me puke al little ever time I have to read it.

The plan as it stands is that people are going to arrive at mine. We'll have a drink and I am going to make a rice krispy penis with fondant on top for the flesh. She will open her gift and try them on for us (other bridesmaid had to do it so she wants she to as well) I came up with a scavenger hunt I'm quite proud of. It looks super fancy and some of the things on it are:

1. find a guy to do and sing I"m a little tea pot with
2. Find someone with a business card and have them write some marriage advice on the back
3. Get a guy to call the groom and leave a voice mail about how lucky he is
4. get a photo or a passport/ in the little boys room
5. photo of a guys belly button (bonus points if its an outie)

There are some more but I can't remember them all. After my house then we are going out for dinner and then to a pub so hopefully it will be fun.
I looked at my bank statement today and since I"ve been home I've spent so much. Bridal shower, bachelorette gift, bachelorette party stuff (and booze) I still need to get her a wedding gift. I was looking at hairstyles today and remembered that she said it would cost $100 to get my hair done! That is stupid, I looked on the website where we are getting it done and it only costs $50 for a hair cut. I'm not sure I can justify $100 on a ponytail, so we'll see. I"m going to see if I can practice doing something nice myself before I get it done at the salon. Oh and we also decided (ok I saw it and mentioned it to BM, so my bad) that we should all wear black for the bachelorette and She would wear something bright so she doesn't have to wear anything tacky...but I think I left my black dress in the UK so I am going dress shopping tomorrow as well.

Thats enough bridal stuff for now.

My SO and I have been planning our trip for when he gets here in three weeks already. After the wedding we are going to spend a few days in banff and then go to waterton and we both want to do the Crypt Lake Trail, it's a 17.5 km hike up a mountain but it looks amazing so we figure if we get practice in Banff, then it should be possible. I bought some hiking boots today. spent a little more then I planned but they should last me till I die, so it's okay. I got a little backpack as well but i'm not sure if it's big enough, it is 11L. After the mountains we are going to Drumheller, which is basically the Grand Canyon of Canada. I'm excited to take him there, I think 39 different dinosaurs have been discovered there.

I was in the mall today and was looking in a camera shop. I found a lens on sale that combines my two lenses into one which I thought would be great for hiking so I might splurge My mom is giving me some money for my Birthday so I could use it on that.

Ohh I got a job! I stopped by my old work a couple days ago. it's a ski hill in the winter and campground in the summer. I went to see how everyone was and after talking a little they asked if I wanted to work and I was like sure! So I work the weekend of 21-23 and then when I get back from our trip I'll work which is nice. It's so chill you check people in and out and sit on the steps outside and tan. I also applied for a restaurant opening across the street in August so that would be cool to get as well. Both are so close I could put off getting a car. I can walk to the restaurant and bike in 10 to the campground.

The more I am home the more I am realizing I really like it here. It doesn't have the scene like London but I feel like there isn't anything for me in London. I just see myself going back working in a restaurant worrying about hours that work with seeing my SO and not doing anything. I talked to my friend about Australia and she is thinking about going for 3-4 months for the winter season to work at a ski hill and then doing some beaches before returning home. Which would work for me either way it works out with my SO. The only thing I'm not sure about is if I was to go back to the UK on a visa could I get a holiday visa for somewhere else? I also have wanted to volunteer at an elephant sanctuary for years and I feel like going back to the UK means I won't get to do any of it. I haven't brought any of this up with my SO, I'm not sure whether to do it now or when we are camping or right before he leaves. I know he is happy at his job, I'm not sure he'd consider moving to Canada. I know everyday is a day closer to my decision due date, and I think I am getting closer to one.

Oh I'm also super excited to take my Niece to the Zoo next week! I've pretty much been abroad since she was born, she just turned 3. It took her about 3 minutes to remember who I was the first time I saw her since I came back but my friend said they went for a talk the other day and every house they past Eva asked if I lived there. Here is a pic from the last time I saw her.

and one more because I'm a proud godmother!