My Mom had decided to get her side of the family together at our house on Fathers day to have a BBQ. I am not sure I am looking forward to it. Her siblings are bat shit crazy.

Let me explain...

I'll start with my my Uncle Homeless Jesus (He looks like a homeless Jesus) had never been able to get his act together. He is one of those people who blame everyone around them for why things don't work out and never takes responsibility for his actions. About three years ago he banged up a prostitute. She is just about as mental as my uncle, she'd have to be really to get anywhere near him. ew) I feel I'm about to noodle, I don't know where to start with him. (Thanks lyonsgirl!) He can't keep a job or people turn him away or he has some excuse why the job isn't good enough for him. He really has no right to be picky in his situation. He was supposed to move in with some people back when I was home visiting in November but things fell though for some reason that had nothing to do with him (Everyone is against him just so you know) so my grandparents took him in. He has been living with them off and on since I can remember. He was supposed to be out by December, he is still there. He hasn't really bothered to look for a job, he spends all day on facebook posting random photos and articles and occasionally finds odd jobs to do for friends. He is loud, had an anger problem and is just a down right lazy bum.

Back to his 3 year old daughter. He for some reason thought he needed to go to court for some rights. He has no money and no home, not sure how you think you are going to take care of a kid. He was awarded visits with her at my Grandparents house. This caused to much stress on my grandparents. The hooker would yell, call and yell at my grandparents. It got to the point where my Grandpa told my Dad that he was afraid the stress was going to give him a heart attack. Eventually a social worker would come with the daughter and the mom stayed away. Ohhh, and he is a pack rat, he thinks everything is useful. He somehow convinced my grandparents to pay for a storage locker monthly to store shit basically. Anyway he seriously needs to get his shit together because when that poor child grows up and realizes what kind of people her parents are I can guarantee she'll want nothing to do with them. How will he ever provide for her if he is too lazy to work? He'll post status on fb about wo is me, everyone is against me when I am such a holy person and never do bad. I called him out on it once and he deleted it. Someone tried to offer a job and a place to live and he made excuses why he couldn't.

Lets jump to today. I went over to visit my Grandparents and HJ was there. He reeked. I entered the house and all I could smell was the smell of homeless. I'm not even kidding, ever gotten close to a homeless person? Then you know what I am talking about. His hair was so greasy it looked like he had been standing in the rain. I sooo badly wanted to say something 'You don't mind mooching everything else from my grandparents, how about you mooch some water while you're at it' We had a tornado warning so I helped my grandma bring some pillows and blankets downstairs just incase. Thats when I saw it....I saw what he had done to their basement. There was so much shit down there you could barely see the couches. He had some weird computer set up facing the couch and so much clutter. Imagine a gamers computer set up almost but minus the games and add a 50 year old homeless man. I asked my grandma straight up if she wanted him gone cause she shouldn't live with this. She said he needs to go but not violently. I think the only way you'll get him out is by force though.

So you know a little about HJ now. I'll tell you about my Aunt. My mom just referred to her as the tasmanian red devil bitch, so we'll go with that.

So TRDB is a red head. She is as fiery as they come. Her and my mom have always butted heads. She is very materialistic. If my mom has something of my Grandparents and my aunt sees it she'll freak out. It's not that she wanted it, she just doesn't want my mom to have it. I talked to my Gma yesterday and told her I was taking some booked to the used book store to see if I could get any money from them. She called back a few minutes later asking if there were any of here books in there. I said no. She called because I could hear my aunt in the back ground freaking out that we might be getting rid of books that god forbid she'd never know about but if they are my grandparents we'd better not dare before consulting her.

She has split up with her husband whom she had wrapped around her finger their entire marriage. She still does. She told him to use the inheritance he got from his mother when she died to pay off the house. Then they split up she kicked him out and is living happily in it with her two brainwashed children while he is in the basement of his sisters house. It makes me so sad because he is the sweetest guy and he is one of my favorite uncles. She still calls him and asks (tells?) him to come over and repair things and mow, its ridiculous. Apparently she hasn't told anyone they are split because one of her Aunts sent her and him a 25th anniversary gift and they've been split for the last two years. I don't think they've filed anything officially but I really wish my uncle would stand up to her.

Apparently at Easter dinner she reamed out my cousin for not getting a job based around his degree he had just got. Saying it was horrible and she couldn't understand it. She had her kids so brainwashed her daughter even stepped in saying 'don't worry mom I would never do that" My cousin said he wants to do some traveling first and he is quite happy at the job he is in. I guess he was so upset that he asked his dad when they got home if he was doing something wrong.

Everything has to be done her way. She's even yelled at me once for something. She has no respect at all.

So yea, thats what I get to look forward to on Sunday. I really hope that it goes smoothly and those two behave. I told my mom if something happens I will definitely be speaking my mind. I don't know if it will do any good but I was thinking of having a talk with my uncle, see if I can talk some sense into him, pull some heartstrings "i used to think you were the coolest uncle ever, now I can't think of one thing cool about you.....get your shit together!" I don't know if its worth it. I really hope he showers at least.