So I guess it has been nearly a week since I blogged last. That means I've got enough exciting stuff to tell y'all! How shall I do this so that is isn't all noodley...? Got it!

Exso (Previously the SO)
He text me on Monday asking me to cancel any mail to the flat if I hadn't already done so. it was short and to the point. I then asked if he would deposit my check and I'd pay him to send me a box of my stuff. He asked what I wanted cause anything I didn't would get thrown out.
He then asked if I planned to talk about what had happened and he didn't want to get confrontational but he wasn't pleased with how things ended and hoped that I agreed we owed each other a proper conversation when we were ready. I told him I was willing to chat but I hadn't been sure he was. He said he would like to and that it was emotional for us both and that it was right to give each other some time to reflect and hoped I was doing ok.

We then had a brief chat yesterday after I told him I cancelled my back statements and wanted to know if I needed to cancel anything else. I then asked how his cousins wedding was and he told me to have fun in Montreal when I go in a couple days.

I've been trying to think of what I will say to him when we talk. It would be nice if we could be on good terms but I don't know that I see myself going back to him. It was almost like I was trying to keep a fire alive when it had died long ago. I'm not sure I can even say I love him anymore, I really don't know.

Alright, enough of the down stuff and on to the stuff you're all probably here for

Mustache aka harry chest guy

We met up again on Tuesday. In his lil online profile it said he liked aquariums and it just so happens the mall my sister works at has one and she gets free passes. So I picked him up and we went to the aquarium which was alright but the water was really murky this time. We decided after we would go to a movie and see Elysium. We had an hour to spare so we walked around the mall. I don't really know him well enough to know what he is like but he doesn't seem like a big talker and my mind being female is in constant overdrive. So I talked so much rubbish to try to keep from it being quiet. The movie was good but the whole time I was waiting for like the hand hold or something and nothing happened. Then we went home after the movie. I dropped him off and he tanked me for the night then kissed me on the cheek and told me when he'd be back from visiting his family. (Thats a good sign right?)

I didn't talk to him much after but he asked me on wednesday night if I was free this morning for brunch before he left for home. I agreed and met him this morning for sushi, I guess it was more of an early lunch. I think sushi is definitely not a third date meal. My mouth is not big enough to stick the whole thing in and there is definitely not enough room in there to chew! He was still a little quiet but maybe that is just how he is, so again I over compensated with saying whatever crap would come to mind.

He shaved his beard a bit leaving him with quite a distinguished stash and little soul patch thingy. He kinda looked like a pirate lol I don't think i'd usually go for someone like that but he is really cute so I'll let it slide. Plus his eyes, they are piercing blue. I don't think I've ever dated a blue eyed guy. When he looks at me with them and smiles I get really nervous hah

It was a short lil meet up cause he had to go back home to get his bags to catch his flight so we said goodbye and he kissed me on the cheek. I seriously need to work on my goodbyes they are so awkward! How do you end a date? Is there a way for it not to be awkward? Anyway he is away now for two weeks so we'll see what happens when he gets back,

Montreal (He's from Montreal lol)

I think I mentioned I had a date with another guy last blog. Well this was him. We decided to meet on Wednesday for drinks after I had had dinner at my Grandparents. He was 20 minutes late! Granted he did let me know. I was waiting at the entrance so nervous and awkward. Trying to sit in the least unattractive way possible. I'm waiting there and then he comes from around the corner and he is super tall 6'3 and sooo cute! We had planned to sit outside cause it was so nice out but everyone else had the same idea so we sat inside.

We talked for three hours, it went by so quickly! He was really easy to talk to and he seems like an awesome guy. When it was time to leave we walked outside and had to go different directions. I said something along the lines of "maybe I'll see you you again" and he was like "yea you have my number text me" (female brain is wondering why he'd ask me to text him and not him say he'd text me ) then its a little awkward and he goes "awkward hug!" and hugs me so tight and lifts me off the ground. I was a little unsure what to think lol

So I waited till today to text, I don't want to appear desperate or crazy. So I played it cool telling him I was thinking of going to a festival if he'd like to join me. We've made plans to meet on Sunday granted he doesn't get called into work (female brain is thinking that is a clever move to say he is on call incase he wants to cancel last minute) So I'm looking forward to it, but not too much just in case.

Of the two I see more potential with Montreal. I canceled another date with a third guy tomorrow. I need some down time and time to pack before i go to actual Montreal to see Kteire!

I had a job interview this morning for a receptionist position. I think I was all over the place so I'm not sure how I did. My job at the campground is almost over for the season so I need to find something else. The job pays well but its slightly out of the city which is a pain, so I think I'll be okay if I get it or not.

And the baby part is that I am not currently preggers! Lol but I know like 5 people that have just popped little ones out in the last week.