I just keep putting this off because I never feel like I have anything really so say, but it has been like 8 months so I'm sure I can come up with something.

I finished school at the end of April. I quite enjoyed it, but I don't think I could handle anymore than 8 months.

I got a job right out of school luckily because after not working since the summer my $$$ is pretty much non existent. I work at Police headquarters as a 911 operator. I really like it so far. I've been working mostly nights but it doesn't seem to affect me too much. I bring my laptop and watch movies most of the time, just pausing a lot for calls. They have a huge gym with a full sized basketball court and all sorts of equipment that I use on my 1.5 hr lunch break, which I think is pretty sweet that I get paid to workout. The SO is a little bit jealous of that part. It is only casual but I think for the summer that will be okay, it should mean a little bit of extra freedom for days off.

I'm still living with my parents unfortunately. I can't take it much more though. My mom and I are constantly butting heads. She doesn't know how to take a joke and is just generally in a pissy mood at me. I hate my sister she is super fake and when her and my mom get together, listening to them talk makes me want to vomit. I just got my second paycheck so I am finally starting to save up as much money as I can to get out of here. Only prob is that I might have a hard time finding a place to rent since I am casual with no guaranteed income.

The Boy
I think things are going pretty well. We had a bit of a bump in the road but that seems to be sorted for the most part. He applied for a job back home and I'm crossing my fingers he gets it/ or at least an interview. We've been talking about moving in if he moves back and I think I will be really upset if he doesn't get it because we've been talking about the future so much lately. He just bought a new motorcycle which is actually pretty nice. We are talking about taking a road trip with it to Portland or around there for a week, which I should start looking at.

See, this is why I haven't written anything in so long. Sorry to disappoint you with boringness.