
I feel like my relationship has lost respect. No matter how much love is still there I won't be played for a fool. It's extremely hard to let go of someone you love so much but I need to be treated right and i've been too patient thus far. What do you do when your s/o tells you that they no longer have a fear of losing you because of what they do wrong? When they are convinced that most of the issues that you bring up are just you being overdramatic? When they just refuse to own up to what they do wrong and instead pick apart your flaws out of spite and frustration of always being wrong? What do you do?

Well, today I decided to put my foot down. I won't tolerate being lied to. I don't care what it is that he lied about because if he can lie about one thing he can lie about another, and as I expressed how I felt to him today he just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders with a facial expression that just looked as if he was saying "I don't care." None of his apologies sound genuine anymore. And today he lied about something he really didn't need to lie about. I could clearly see that he was lying, but he looked me in my face and still lied. Not only is that a breach of trust but it's a sign that I must seem a lot dumber than I am to him. I'm tired of feeling like my relationship is a war zone, so i've chosen to take a break from it, which may likely become permanent. It hurts a lot, but i'd rather be single in the end than hurt and undervalued.

Our last argument he told me that he knows he can do better but he's never had someone teach him how to be a man. But right is right and wrong is wrong.. I'm sure he was taught that very little good can come from lying to those you are supposed to love.