I know I usually post sad things but not this time lol. Something happy actually happened to me. I got to finally meet my SO after all the crap we've been through. I just decided to risk it all and take this chance. So here's what happened...

So right when I leave my house there's a huge thunderstorm. I am like "Oh crap, this can't be a good omen." But as soon as I get gas in my car it started to clear up. The drive to the airport was smooth sailing after that. I arrived at the airport kinda nervous because I have never flown alone before, but I have been on this airline before so it wasn't too bad. Until my flight got delayed 20 minutes because I think there was some sort of medical emergency on the flight before mine. There were paramedics everywhere lol.

It wasn't until my plane descended into Philadelphia that it finally hit me. In a few short minutes I will finally get to meet the man I love for the first time ever. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I look at my phone to see where he was at and he told me that he was outside. For some reason it took a really long time to exit this plane after I landed. It took 10 minutes for them to get us all off this plane at least. What morons! I can't believe they didn't crash the plane lol.