I have a personal blog and when I saw that LDAF had a blogging option I knew that I would be interested in it. Keeping a blog here will be different and new for me since I plan to blog about my relationship instead of about myself. Hopefully I can get some support and answers to questions through this. If anything, I think writing specifically about us will give me clarity.

Short intro to us:
We've been together for 4 years.
If traveling by car, we are about 1hr 40min away from each other (traveling by bus or train takes much longer).
We're both in our 20s.
I'm a graduate student, so I probably will not be on here writing everyday. I want to keep up with this though, so I will put effort in to do so.
We'd like to move in together asap, but until I graduate from my program that can't happen.
I named this blog "The Relationship That Could..." because we keep trying despite all the ups and downs.

That's all I can think of for now. Like I said in my introduction post, I wish I had stumbled upon this website a long time ago. I don't get support for my relationship from anyone- my friends or my family (for various reasons) and so reading the experiences of others in LDRs is great for me. Also, I've seen a few things on here that would've done wonders if I had known about it say 2-3 years ago. Better late than never though, as one of you so kindly told me when replying to my introduction post.

Well, that's all for now.