Hmm... what can I say? I know I said in my last blog that things would be more positive, but I may have jinxed myself by speaking too soon. I feel like I don't have much of a relationship with my SO anymore. Its not that we don't love each other - we do. We just have not had good communication since he moved out a month ago. Our text conversations are dull, all we talk about is our day and lives and its boring, to be honest.


We can't skype. The internet in that house is useless, he can only get a good signal on his phone in the bathroom, of all places. I don't really want him to have to sit in the bathroom just to talk to me. The last time we tried, I spent the better part of 2 hours asking him "what?" and to repeat himself because he kept cutting out or disconnecting. I got so frustrated with the whole situation that he thought I was angry with him (I wasn't) and I asked if we could just text chat instead, because video chatting was getting us nowhere.

He tells me how much he loves me all the time.. and that's great and all, but it doesn't make up for the fact that I don't feel connected to him anymore. He goes to bed when I'm just getting home from work. He goes out with friends a lot when I'm home. I want him to have friends, don't get me wrong. I'm just so fucking over not being able to talk and enjoy my time with him. We used to play online games together, watch our favourite shows the day they came out, share links to cool stuff. I miss that.

Oh and did I mention that yesterday he broke the screen of the phone I sent him and its not even been 2 weeks since he got it?

I know he was counting on me going there for our next visit, but it just isn't possible. I've only been at my job 3 months, so my boss said no to time off. He also shares a room with his best friend, and theres a bunch of other guys there. I don't want to stay in a house full of guys and I don't want to fork out money to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks. Whereas he works for his grandpa, whom I've met, and supports our relationship. He would let him take a couple of weeks off to see me.

We talked about how much he would need to come here. He mentioned that he still also has to pay for a ring. To be honest I was disappointed, because I thought that would be the first thing he would buy, just to get it out of the way. (we have already spoken about engagement, supposed to be happening this coming visit).

He needs to find a new job, because he isn't saving money. He knows this. Whether he is applying for anything, I don't know. He tells me that he is sick of not being able to save and that he feels like the wheels aren't turning but I feel like he is not trying hard enough. He is a very talented man with many abilities, but he just doesn't fucking do anything with what he has! It drives me nuts!! He has such charisma and way with talking to people that he would make an awesome sales man, or he could work in customer service, or something. He just doesn't want to do those jobs. Ugh.

At this point I don't know what to do. I don't want to get married if he is not willing to step up financially. I do not want to be the breadwinner. He has insurance money coming to him when he turns 25, but I don't want that to be an excuse for him to not do anything, as it has been before.

I just want a relationship where things are how I feel they should be, where he buys me flowers and dinner and gifts just because, instead of me being the one to do that. I'd love for him to do little things for me. I can only really think of one occasion where he's made me feel special. With him its a lot of talk, and no action. Tells me how much he loves and cares about me, but then doesn't do much to show that.

I always do things for him and I put a lot of time, effort and money into those things and don't really get much in return. It makes me feel unappreciated. It hurts and it makes me less affectionate towards him, which in turn causes him to be insecure and needy. Vicious cycle. This isn't how I imagined our relationship to be.