Sometimes I feel like a passenger of Obi's life. Sometimes that's kind of nice, I can be traditional and subservient at levels that shock most people. But other times it frustrates me. Today, I don't even know. There's the good and bad in everything.

For a bit under a week we've been working on a spell together. He'd make a good witch if I could just convince him the Goddess is real. But it's adorable that when he prays he apologies for not really believing. But that's a tangent. We've been trying to get him a job in his industry, rather than his fast-food job that he's had lately.

Today he gets the call. Someone wants him to come work!! Yay! but... these are the people who messed him around before. (He worked for one week, before they figured out he was hired too early and they sent him home, promising work that never came. His consequential two odd months of unemployment robbed him of all his savings, and sent him into fast-food work.) But, this is the hiring season for his field, and they are the only nibble he's getting. He has to take the job, but he doesn't want to risk what happened last time.
The solution is he'll work 40 hours a week on his career job, and then weekends (16 hours roughly) at his fast food job. If the career job falls through, this gives him the opportunity to go back to fast food full time without losing any seniority or any of that jaz. Which is good. He seems to really like the guys he works with.
But, it's a lot of work. At least we'll get most of our evenings together back, which will be lovely. I think he was more excited than I at this prospect.

But then there's the commute time, the weird night shift/day shift transition for the weekends, the fact that I've agreed to pay (the smaller) half for the insurance on the car his parents just gave us - which now I wont benefit at all from because he wont be home during the times I need the damn thing. Back to walking an hour + every day, in Canada's beautiful rain. Well, it's an excuse to go shoe shopping at least. I do need something waterproof. there's changes that will need to be made within our social circle again too... all these little things he brought up for us to think on and work around.
He's got a lot of reservations about this plan, as do I, but I put on my supportive face anyway, as it should be.

I'm happy for him. We have an understanding. He feels about work the same way I feel about our relationship. Something I read in a random battle of the sexes book that make a lot of sense to me, and it helps us not resent each other when we want something the other doesn't understand. It's good though, the financial stress he's been under should lift now and he'll stop worrying so much. We'll be able to start saving hard for our house, for my sisters coming visit, and our plane tickets home (and maybe a nice little ring and a ceremony so he can keep me forever? *giggles* oh my I'm turning into a girly girl.) So that's all good.

It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out. All I know is it's me cooking dinner for the foreseeable future - which is great because that means dinner might be together again
I love that boy!