So, I'm lonely tonight. Just like most other people on LFAD no doubt.

Obi is out with a mate, a belated birthday dinner and a movie. I feel so trapped here.
I thought I'd make friends at work, but no one in housekeeping speaks fluent enough English for real communication to be possible. I've joined some groups on but even that isn't giving me hope tonight.

I'm supposed to go to a women's evening on Wednesday, and a ritual on Friday - if I get off work early enough. But I just looked up the bus schedule, and I doubt my ability to make all the change-overs alone to get there, and if I do manage it there's a half hour walk from the last bus to the place I need to be because Canada doesn't understand the value of decent public transport. Originally Obi would have driven me, but with his new job he wont be home in time. I don't know whether to just cancel or ask his Mom to drive me - and face the consequences of telling her the truth because I wont lie to her about where I'm going. (They are pagan groups, Mom cares about my soul. The usual) Besides that, as Obi likes to remind me - we're not married - I probably don't even have the right to ask her to drive me that far.

I feel so stranded here! All my friends are his friends. If I want so much as a conversation the only place I can get that is these forums. I don't have the ability to get around to most places and the social anxiety challenges me at every turn. Gah! So frustrated.

And I've tried meeting people online in this area too, but every where I turn there are only people looking for romance. Don't people do friendship anymore? Is that out of fashion and I didn't get the memo?

I miss being able to sand a quick text message, catch a train with confidence and hang out with someone on the spur of the moment. Heh, and I always thought of myself as a bit of a loner, but I guess I was wrong.

On the bright side, I've been working on my book
(More positive blogs will happen eventually. I'm sure of that! Bear with me)