Today was ordinary, but to me, it was perfect. Perhaps that's just last night's romp making my mood better. But I'm not ungrateful.
I'm writing this out to remind myself. Today I had one perfect day - and if I work hard every day will become this perfect.

I was sad to send him off to work this morning, but happy too because I knew he'd miss me, and I know he loves working. I told myself then that just because he gets to do something he loves today doesn't mean I don't. I was determined to get up to a job I love even just for today. So I got up, and wrote, and didn't let myself give up or get distracted. I've written quite a bit today, and I'll write even more before he gets home.
When I wasn't writing, I pottered around the burrow, cleaning it up, making porridge for breakfasts for the rest of the week and peanut butter cookies for Obi to take to work. I sung badly out of tune to loud music and danced like a fool, content in my own company. I didn't feel completely out of place even for a moment - because this is what I'm supposed to be doing!

This is all I want for every day. I want to get up early, feeling rested and do yoga. Then I want to spend my day writing, looking after my home and doing small things to make my husband (and eventually children) happy. I want to make dinner and listen to his stories, and support him as he becomes successful, and share my news with him in turn. I feel like I don't want very much but at the same time it'll be the hardest thing in the world to achieve.

But today was perfect, and tomorrow when I'm scrubbing bathtubs I'll remember this is what I'm working towards and how good it felt.