So, I approached him about it. It went well

I asked him about answering people's (specifically his family's) questions, and if I'm allowed to tell the truth or if I have to go on pretending we're too stupid to have a plan for our future. He surprised me when he said it's fine if I'm honest with them, it's just hard for him to say it. I asked him why of course, and basically, he doesn't like the pressure of it, doesn't like being in the spotlight and if I wanted to put it that way he'd concede perhaps he is afraid to grow up/to act grown up. I can work with that.

Later I told him I'm worried that if he can't TELL people about it, when the time comes he wont follow through and DO it. He reassured me that this would not be the case, he would not let me down, and reiterated that he wants to come back home with me. So, I asked him if he was afraid. This part was like pulling teeth. But eventually he understood what I was trying to ask and told me that no, it's closer to a mild anxiety.. the same kind as a person feels before they phone in sick or attend an interview. He told me until we actually do this stuff he will feel that way. To me that makes sense, everyone gets a tiny bit nervous right?
So I'm like "is that all you feel? When you look into the future do you feel anything other than anxiety?"
He stopped being helpful right about then and tried to think of what he thought I wanted to hear instead of what I was asking. I wanted to punch him in the face. Seriously, I'm not one of those girls! I'm like "No, I just want you to tell me the truth, so I know where you're at emotionally, even if it's not the place I'm at!" Gah!
He told me that he wants to do it (specifically go home and have babies) but that he doesn't get excited about things. I'm like "I'm not excited either," he expected me to want him to get all gushy about babies and stuff.. like he doesn't even know me. But whatever. And then he asked what I feel and I told him "Inpatient"

I checked in to see if we're going too fast and he tells me he's happy with the time line we have now (even though when we set our plan he wasn't thrilled) but that he doesn't want to move it any faster. Which is fair. I can't expect more, and our budget wont stretch that far anyway.

So all in all, we're in the same place as we were yesterday, we didn't go backwards, and I can count my freedom of speech as progress I guess.

One thing that's on my mind though: He mentioned wanting to buy property before we go home and rent it out while we're in Oz (which would be stupid, and I told him why). And that made me worry that he isn't considering marrying me at all before we go home and start breeding. (I can do the math ) Which is a little sad. And it was something that was once very important to him. So I don't know how that works! But whatever.

And no, I can't talk to him about that. It's against the rules.