This blog post takes its name from a country song. Don't judge me! lol Obi wrote the lyrics out in a letterbook for me a couple of years ago...

Anyhoo, there have been a lot of perfect little moments lately. Especially the snuggles where, for some inexplicable reason, it feels like our souls are touching.
I wont see him again today, but he snuggled late with me, missed breakfast and had to take leftovers for lunch instead of making himself something so that we could continue our perfect half-awake snuggle for that much longer.

He works both jobs today, a blessing and a curse - it means he'll get Sunday off . I want to do something special for him, but I'm not yet sure what. I feel like I've neglected him lately, and told him that last night and he hugged me close and said "That's only because I haven't been here" and as true as that might be, it's no excuse. So I'll come up with something.

Today is a good day for me too. I have a short shift at work, and I'm not "on the floor" I'm "running gofer" so there's less pressure (though just as much work). It'll be nice to do something a little different.

And! I'm on the brink of finishing my novel draft ^^; I'm likely to finish it tonight. Woo! It's so close I can taste it.

After work I'm going shopping (grocery) with one of our mates... without Obi. So that'll be interesting. Pete always shops with us, he uses his staff discount, I make him dinner and it's an excuse to hang out, but I've never really hung out with Obi's friends without him there. But he's always saying they are my friends too.

I thought a happy post was in order so people don't start thinking all I do is whinge haha
I hope you all have a great day too!