Ugh, my face hurts. I don't know why, but one of my eyes became very irritated last night, and this morning when I woke up it was stuck shut. When I finally got it open I could see that the white of my eye along the bottom and one side had swollen so much it was getting squished between my eyelids when I blinked. The pain and panic made me dizzy and sick. (I can't explain the panic. I guess my brain fritzed out when I couldn't solve the problem ). But I went to work anyway. The swelling has gone down a bit now, but one side of my face is discolored, almost bruised, and it hurts and itches and looks terrible.
Doctor? No. No health cover. I've learnt my lesson. Next time, I will get health cover. But until then? Well... one of the women at work said her daughter gets this and to put polysporin in my eye. I'm not sure I should trust that. Will google it at some point.

Anywhoo... aside from my eye issue, thanksgiving was great. Sunday night after work we went to the inlaws for the big family dinner. Food was great, everyone was nice. I feel like Obi's dad is really warming up to me. He was talking to me more than usual, and when we left he came and hugged me, and fixed my clothes up... and was just.. warmer than usual. So that was good. Mom pissed me off a tiny bit with her lack of tact... We were sitting at the table and someone mentioned that they used to have another table (there were too many people and some of us had to eat on the lounge). They did have another table, but they gave it to Obi and I when we moved out. Then his mom's like "Oh but I'll probably get to use that again, when you's go and do something stupid like moving to Australia for a few months". I joked along with her... but really.. what's stupid about it?! My family deserves to see us as much as his. Not worth arguing over though

There was a really nice moment there (like half an hour lol) where I just snuggled up on Obi's lap and he held me and whispered his love to me while I dozed and the party continued around us. It was very sweet.

Then yesterday we had a whole day off work together. We slept in late and made love, and discovered ihop (It's sooo good. How could I have been in Canada so long and not have been there?) and went shopping together. When we came home I cooked us dinner, and we cleaned the burrow together, watched the hockey (Our team won!), he read to me and we made love some more. (While I held an ice-pack against my very sore red eye lol. Nothing was going to stop me! haha). It was all very very nice. I feel so reconnected with him now... I think we both truly needed it.

When we were walking around the mall he apologized to me, saying he was sorry on my first two visits to Canada that he didn't spend as much time with me as he could have. He told me he regrets that. *lopsided smile* That helped too. I don't hold any of it against him, but there were times it hurt, and I appreciate that he wishes he could have done it differently.

I think we're good for each other. It's a nice balance. I'm all "love and family blah blah," and he's all "career and security blah blah," and my nagging him has taught him more about how important a shared life is, the rewards of giving to a relationship, and in turn he's given me a work ethic, keeps me on track with my goals and teaches me how that ties into love and family. It's just nice.

But yeah, there were lots of laughs and cuddles and talking. We had a chance to catch up on what's been happening for each other too.. all the day to day stuff we haven't had a chance to discuss. It was affirming