Really, I do. I had to come somewhere and let it out. He was so sweet this morning.
I'm still sick, likely to be sick forever at this rate. And he slept in and missed the bus he should have been on. But he has a hard time tearing himself away from me. Told me how he wanted to just stay with me all day. I think, had I not had work myself, he might have even chucked a sickie, he was that clingy. But, half an hour late he was all ready to go, and I saw him off... It was pissing down rain. I gave him the umbrella, kissed him goodbye and shooed him away. Then started to get ready for work myself.

Not three minutes later I heard the door open, and he came back in. I figured he'd forgotten something. No.

He wanted me to have the umbrella (Though I hate the damned things, and despite the fact I'd have to carry a change of pants and shoes to work because 'brellies aren't at all effective) because we only have the one, and I walk three kms to get to work. He was practically begging me to take it, he was so distressed that I'd be getting saturated yet again. He actually started crying, he felt so guilty and unhappy about not being able to take me to work himself. I guess he really doesn't like seeing me sick, cold, wet and miserable. He held me for as long as he could, probably missed another bus in the process, and then finally ran back out the door. I was surprised and touched.

He is such a beautiful man.