So, I just got back from doing the last of my Christmas shopping. But before I go into that, mini rant time!

I had to go to HSBC to empty my bank account out I've set aside next month's rent, food and car insurance, and January's rent as well, so I feel a little more in control of my financial situation. This gives me two pay days before Bec and Chris get here to set aside some fun money, I have a couple hundred put aside to cover additional food or fun in case I have another bad fortnight following this one. So, nothing is dire. Woo. But, that's a tangent. So, I was at HSBC and I hand over my card (I have to actually go in and get help because my ATM limit is stupidly low) and ask how much is in there, so I can see if I actually have the money to cover the budget I laid out at home. Sometimes they ask for ID, and this lady seemed to take particular displeasure in my company. First, I sign a bit of paper so she can compare my signature to what she has on file and my card. The fact I can't feel my hands that are bright red from walking around outside glove-less while there's still snow on the ground doesn't mean anything to her, and she says my signature doesn't match. Whatever. So I give her the ID I opened the account with which is my social security number, and she glares at me. Usually, they check my SS and are fine. Nope. So I offer up my (Australian) license and my passport. I also have a credit card in the same name.
Even my passport wasn't good enough for this woman, despite them having a photo copy on file and the passport number being exactly the same. However, it's pretty obvious I'm either me, or I'm someone who looks an awful lot like me and has stolen my wallet. She relents and gives me the money, has me sign again, which isn't good enough, so she writes my passport number beside it for good measure, and finally lets me leave, feeling like a criminal. Ugh.
I'm grateful they are thorough, identity theft being a big issue and all, but there was no need for her still to be sneering at me after I'd proven who I was. Made me feel bad

Ok, glad I got that out. Obi, if you're internet stalking me, now's the time to look away. I'm about to talk about your gift. So shooo.

Alright, that ought to do it. Before I went to the bank, I stopped by the mall. Now, isn't it funny how you wont notice a shop for months or even years, but it's been in plain sight all along? I had to google to find the nearest place I could go... and I'm like "There's one in the mall?" all shocked. I'm in love with the aromatherapy shop right next door, but never knew sunglass hut even existed. Yes, I'm not an observant rabbit at all.
The sale's lady was really nice, no pressure at all, and I knew what I wanted. I felt 100% positive and certain which was great. I took an old pair of Obi's crappy $10 glasses with me (This man loves his sunnies) so I'd have a reference for what he likes and size. There were two pairs, one in Oakley which I did recognize, and a pair of Rayban, a brand I don't recognize. But, the Rayban's were slightly better looking, and $75 cheaper, so I went with them. Besides, the nice American lady told me they were the better brand, and she'd know. Never in my life would I dream of paying $200 for a pair of sunglasses. I don't wear them personally, I don't understand why people like them. But, whatever. Despite this being at least $100 over my budget for his gift this year I tell myself "Stop being a stinge Miriam" and I tell the nice lady that I'll take them... after convening quietly with them on a spiritual level to make sure both the glasses and I were ready for this level of commitment. We were. I was 100% sure!

So I fill out the warranty form (A year warranty for sunglasses?! Who knew?) and get rung up. For $235!! I nearly died. I'd forgotten the tax, yet again. Every now and then this kind of thing comes up and bites me on the arse. I always forget that Canada doesn't include tax as the price, it's added later. Which, no offense, is a dumb arsed system. Really. Just tell me, up front and honestly on the damn price tag how much I'm paying. I admit, I'm not smart enough to figure out what 12% is and add that myself so I don't get the shock - and that's when I remember.
But, the spirit sunnies are all cased and bagged and ready to go, so I take a deep breath and hand over my card. It felt really good. I was sooo excited, so sure that he'd fall in love with them like I had.

Then I went to the bank and she sucked all the happy out of me. What didn't help is my Australian bank seems to have locked my card AGAIN, so the money there that I was relying on to cover the stupidly expensive but very nice gift is now unavailable to me. What part of "I'm in Canada, so if you see this card accessed from Canada, it's me" don't these people understand? So I guess I'm calling Australia some time to day >.<
Anywhoo, so I got home and started to doubt myself about spirit sunnies. I'm worried they'll be too small, even though they are only minutely different. And I'm shit scared I don't know my boy as well as I think I do, and he'll hate them. Which makes me roll my eyes at myself. But anyway, I feel better now I've rambled it all out. But still... why did I just pay that much for Sunglasses? Why?!

On another note (Yes, I know this is getting long, you don't have to read it!) we had a date night last night, and it was great. He made me the dinner I asked for (even though he's sick) and then took me out to see the new Harry Pothead. Which scared the ever loving shit out of me. I swear I clung to him arm the whole move! I made me really psychologically uncomfortable and that's when I realised: I will never be half as good an author as Rowling must be to come up with this shit. But, I will surely try!