I'm warm. I have tea. I have great friends (who I've never met. Shhh) I have a wonderful caring boyfriend. My family are 15 days away.

Today's my third day home in a row. I don't work tomorrow either. I'm trying not to stress about that. We'll get through. I'm bored though. Even with all the writing, I'm bored. But today that doesn't matter. Everything is just fine.

Today he gets home early (6pm!) and we can watch a movie and eat dinner at a reasonable time. That's always nice. And maybe go for a walk, and talk about my book (he's really pushing me), and then we can spend a little time reading before bed. <3

Tomorrow I have to set up this treasure hunt, and I'll come and tell you all exactly where everything is and the clues, in case there's some idea worth stealing. His mom is going to help me, so I don't have to walk all over the place. And maybe she'll lend me a shovel. Or perhaps the neighbor has one, she's always telling me if I need anything to ask because it's not easy being a foreigner (Gee thanks, I think! lol). But it shall be awesome

Now I'm going to go and clean up some more... and eat... and write... and possibly install WoW. I don't know. I'm not sure I can handle the guilt. It's a battle of guilt vrs boredom. Guilt is holding strong currently. Hehe.

I want to specially thank Luce, Eternity and Silviar, because you're all awesome. You all have great advice and compassion and a different angle on any situation. And you're just cool to talk to, even when I'm not having a whinge.
Much love!