Wisdom of the housekeeper: The person who's urine you clean out of the bathtub today could be the friend you make tomorrow.

So, work has really picked up. Today nearly killed me. But, I'm trying to think of the money.

Yesterday was six hours, and that's standard at the moment - even good seeming some days we're lucky to get four. And I only had one bad room. I knew it would be bad before I got there because Ranjit goes "211 yours?" and I said yes and she made her I'm-glad-it's-you-not-me face and tells me "Very bad smell. freshener first then wait. Very bad." She also said "If towel have pee put plastic bag" but I didn't understand (which isn't unusual, the language barrier between us is frustrating) So I thanked her for the warning. I've never had a very good sense of smell, so I wasn't really worried. It has to be pretty terrible for it to effect me at all. And I was slightly concerned that she's using the air freshener in "stay" rooms, because we're not allowed to do that in case the guest has asthma or something. Whatever, off I go.

When I knocked at 211 I heard voices, so I waited, not sure if someone was inside, and after some time this little old lady answers the door and lets me in, telling me she just needs towels and her bins changed and she'll be off the phone in a minute. Easy stuff. Even better - I couldn't smell anything. I change the bins and notice that the bathroom doesn't appear used, but don't think much of it. I decide I'll clean the toilet while she's on the phone because I can't leave without making sure I've done everything she wants... and that's when I see it.

There's a puddle of urine in the bottom of the bath tub - and the plug has been left in. Luckily she didn't see my face. Anyway, usually I don't wear gloves, so I didn't have any on my cart... but this? This was a "I need gloves" moment. So I ran back to the storeroom to get some. She finished her call while I was gone. And when I come back she tells me that this stuff has come up through the drain into the bath tub. I'm not stupid. But, mum was an aged care nurse, and i know that she must be pretty embarrassed, so I play along. I tell her that I'll get the maintenance guy right up here, after I clean it up for her. She hastily assures me that wont be necessary, and then begins to tell me her life story.

I feel for her. Her apartment has been flooded (along with the homes of 15 other people) and she's 90 years old, staying in the hotel with her 60+ year old daughter. Her daughter however got hospitalized the night before and they don't know when she'll be out, so this poor woman is having a bit of trouble taking care of herself. She's not been long out of hospital herself, has a walking frame, incontinence, some kind of rash in her mouth that's stopping her eating properly and can't actually get into the bath tub to take a shower. She obviously didn't want me to leave. I sat on the end of one of the beds (which she had somehow made for herself?) and talked to her for as long as I dared, before telling her that I'd come back later if I could be right now I really had to work. By the time I got out I was really running behind, so I did my next two rooms at the speed of light (cutting so many corners I'm amazed I even still have a job).

Anyway, our work Xmas party is tomorrow night. I kinda want to go, and the other women are hassling me to do so, but there's more reasons against than for. For starters it's at 6:30 and Obi doesn't get home til 7:30 - so I'd have to walk an hour to get there, in the dark and rain. Problem 2: we can't bring our SOs. 3: We have to bring a $15 gift to trade and that's more than I can spare right now. and 4 (which I actually had the guts to tell them) is the fact that this is the most alienating job I've ever worked. They talk in their own language and ignore me almost completely unless I'm 1 on 1 with one of them. I'm not going to go to a party to be ignored. Granted, the front desk people will be there and our boss, and they speak English... but I don't know them well enough to want to spend a Friday night making awkward conversation with them.

At the end of the shift it was pouring rain and Ragi offered me a lift most of the way home. I felt bad for not visiting that old lady, but it's a long walk and I'm already sick.

Now, today work was hard. There were only two of us on the floor, and we easily had enough work for three people to get a six hour shift, but we really pushed ourselves and did it in 7 and a half hours. I'm so buggered it's unbelievable. But anyway, I had 211 on my list again. I was half tempted to ask someone to do the room with me, so I wouldn't feel obligated to stay, but I didn't.

She was so happy to see me. It was really sweet. And she didn't pee in either her bed or the bathtub (the other women shared their horror stories with me) so I liked her a bit more for that. I pottered around her room while she talked to me and we got to know each other a bit better. It was kinda nice. When I was done I sat down for a while and we talked some more, until I could hear my supervisor in the corridor and I'm like "I really have to go." She's so lonely But she has really interesting stories, as most old people do. She told me all about her family, and the hospital, and her house flooding, and having lost her wedding and engagement rings down the drain when they were evacuating, and how her husband died 13 years ago.... Gods, to be alone that many years I don't think I could bear it.

She reminds me of Olive, one of my first best friends. Olive was 80 when I was around 12 year old, and she paid my sister and I $1 a week to take her bin out and bring it back in on garbage day because she couldn't manage herself. We would have done it without pay - like we did for our other elderly neighbor, but she told mum she wanted to - to help us learn the value of work. But, I grew fond of her. Instead of just doing the bin, I'd stay for a while and chat with her, mostly listening. She never spoke to me like I was a child and I appreciated that. I still miss her.

Anyway, lady 211 let me go but invited me to come back any time, not holding it against me that I hadn't come the evening before. So, tonight I did, even though it meant walking home in the pitch black. I think I made her whole week. And that makes me both happy and sad at the same time. I don't work tomorrow, but she says she'll still be there on Saturday and I look forward to seeing her - even if her room isn't on my list that day. She also told me where she lives, in case we don't meet up again.

One thing offended me a tad though. Before I left, she insisted on giving me a tip. I don't need to be paid for my company! I told her no, but she said it was important to her.. That I'd been so lovely to come back and stuff... but... I don't know. I don't want her money. I'm not nice because I want something. Eh, maybe I'm weird.

Anyway this is long and I'm tired.
NTS: Dreams for next blog. kk

Good night all you wonderful people.