Today is likely to be busy. I'm still hoping I'm not working. If I don't get a call in the next 20 minutes I'm probably safe. I hate this not knowing. But anyway, regardless if I work today or not there's lots to do, and what better way to start the day then a cup of tea and a blog?

Firstly let me have a whinge about something. My mouth is killing me!! I have an ulcer (or I assume that's what it is, it's similar to ones I have had before, but is lasting a lot longer) in that crease between my bottom lip and teeth, and another just inside the row of my bottom teeth under my tongue. If that wasn't enough I keep getting pimples on my tongue, and I swear I haven't told lies about anything!! But anyway it all really hurts, especially when my tongue bumps my teeth! I'm currently avoiding eating too much and have been rinsing with peroxide, which seems to be doing something at least. It hurts less for a while at any rate. And I hope I can kick both the sores and this flu by Thursday!!

In other news, Obi is up to something. He's being all squirrely. I know he's planning something with his sister because he wont open txts from her if I'm nearby and wont open her msn window if she messages him when I'm around. The other day, he was sitting next to me and got a text, read her name on his screen and put the phone on the floor. Not two minutes later he tells me he needs to pee and picks up his phone... I'm like "If that wasn't your sister, you'd be in a world of trouble right now. I watch House, I know what it means when a man takes him phone to the bathroom." He was so embarrassed it was hilarious. So apparently they are doing something for me for Christmas. Which is strange, seeming as much as we like each other, we don't really hang out or talk because we're just too different. I doubt she'd have the faintest clue what to give me. But it's still cute. A few times recently I've caught him thinking about his plan, with this cute smile on his face. Hehe

This is TMI, skip this paragraph if you're against that kind of thing. So, I think I've stopped spotting, but I'm having strange cramps in my gearbox that I've never gotten before. I was honest and told Obi the various possible reasons for the spotting and cramps including the slim possibility of pregnancy as unlikely as that is. He did himself credit by remaining calm though it was obvious the thought made him a little tense. I felt better after I told him.

Ok, so on to today! I need to make a list, no particular order.

* Clean burrow. Completely. No excuses.
* Move TV and stand into the lounge room for sister's convenience.
* Go to London Drugs and pick up that cool stocking filler for Obi.
* Bake two batches of cookies.
* Move Obi's computer desk a foot to the right, make sure it doesn't wobble.
* Move messiah's kitty litter and food somewhere so Family have an out of the way spot to leave their crap.
* Find a bunch of photos to send to Aunty back home.
* Start working on everyone elses Christmas cards. (Secret santa is sent, but everyone else I've been slack with.)
* Buy a Birthday card for Bec, and wrap Chris's Birthday present. Write on both cards. Wrap Obi's Christmas presents.
* Do budget.

After which I will possibly nap, play some WoW and cook dinner. Or maybe I'll nap first. Looks like no work today. Yippie!