Why am I crying? I don't want to feel like this! *Shakes self*

It's just been a long day. I never did have that nap, and my house still isn't clean, and I didn't go to the shops (didn't want to brave the rain.) But the cookies got done, as did a little gift wrapping, and a little tidying and I moved all the furniture that required moving, so it wasn't a waste. Damn that TV is heavy though. I nearly burst a valve trying to move the damn thing. I also managed to break and (temporarily at least) repair the flush mechanism inside the toilet which I'm relieved about. I know my landlord would get it fixed quicksmart, but I'd rather not be a pain unless it's truly necessary.

Finding out the visa shit was a bit of a kick in the arse though, and I really want to talk to Obi... but when I tried to ring him it was too loud on the train for him to hear me... and I guess it can wait a few hours. I've been terribly homesick and lonely though, and I just wish he'd actually come home on time for a damn change. Nine and a half hours at work is plenty in my opinion. Why the hell can't he start the renders a little earlier and leave on time?

I wonder if this is just the hormones talking? I don't know anymore. I just want loves and someone to whinge to for a little while until I feel better. I'm not strong Miri everyday.

P.S: Thank you again Ryan for listening to my whinge today. You're a good mate.