... I'm engaged.

Or should I say "We're engaged!"

I had some suspicions... but when he didn't ask for our anniversary, I thought I'd just been girly and hopeful...

But, Christmas morning after a lovely sleep in and some caffine, we exchanged gifts (Bec and Chris and Obi and I) and then after we opened our stockings (always last in my family) Obi said "that's it I must have forgotten to put one gift in" so he went to our room to get it, and came back hiding the gift under a santa hat.
He said, "Before I give this to you, I have to ask you a question..."
Then the santa hat disapeared, and there was this tall wooden ring box in his hand and he was kneeling there beside me on the floor, with my family grinning like cheshire cats...
"Will you marry me?"

I thought I was prepared.... I was not. It was surreal, like meeting him that first day. I didn't know what to say. I covered my face and curled upin a ball. It wasn't elegant or prepared, or charming like it had been in my imagination.

I said "Uhm, yeah, I guess so."

And then he put the ring on my finger... he was shaking. So adorable.

My ring, which you'll all get a picture of I promise, is eye-catching... Three large (high O.O) emeralds, with three little emeralds inset on either side in platnum. Inside the engravement reads "Mine 2010".

"Mine" is so perfect for us, I'm glad he thought of it.

It's nothing like I'd have chosen for myself, but now I'm getting used to the flashyness and the weight I'm in love with it. It's so flattering to know he thinks I'm worth this... he told me flat out something simpler with just one stone just wasn't good enough for me, so I didn't push it lol.

I'm just so happy... and overwhealmed at how happy he is about this.

Not talking about marriage or engagement at all before is great, because now we have SO MUCH to talk about. It's more exciting that way.

Gods, I'm so in love with that man.

More later, but I just had to share!