So Obi and I had a little chat in the shower last night. He didn't realise how much pressure people were putting on me about the date/country of this wedding shebang... and thought that I was the one wanting to uphold our promise to Granny when really I only intended to uphold it within their family. So now I'm allowed to tell people, as long as it doesn't go anywhere near facebook - because his family are all over my fb like a fat kid on a chocolate cake.

I was pretty excited. I got to tell Bec thismorning. And that's where the title of this post comes into it.

She didn't care.

Actually, I think if she felt anything at all it was in the negative. She made a few comments about me being a fool and the crap I'm going to cop from Obi's family... like it's funny. I felt like a tiny little mouse showing it's teeth to a crocodile, while the crocodile laughed and reached for a stick to poke me with.

Wow. See that analogy? That shows you I spend too much time with Obi. Anyway...

It was all I could do not to cry. After a bit I was like "This is the part where you tell me you're happy for me." and she was like (In a completely dis-interested monotone voice) "I am happy for you." Sure you are. I didn't even get a "That's great news", I got silence followed by jibes.

She's one of the very few people who actually benifit from this wedding being in my home country. She could at least be greatful for that... right?

Ok, I'll stop my pitty party now.

In other news, I've found bridesmaid dresses! That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. My friends are all different body shapes for one, and one of them is a LDS, so whatever she wears needs to be modest. I noticed that desigeners don't seem to take any pains to make the more modest dresses actually look decent. Of course another one of my friends wants to take this as an opportunity to let all her boobage hang out, and Bec's like "I don't care, I don't need input, I'll wear what you want." all the while my bridesman is laughing his arse off.
But never fear, they are perfect for the nice beach wedding that is forming in my mind, and everyone agreed to them rather enthusiastically. So yay.
Thinking of bridesmaids, I'm technically one short. See, I had planned to let my sister give me away, as she's the head of my family (and I'm still hoping that once she's married she'll stop her nonsense), which means she's walking with me rather than one of the groomsmen. Obi thankfully hasn't clued into this, otherwise he'd likely go back to pushing me to have his sister on my side >.> Anyhoo, There's this one chick I'm really tempted to ask... The problem is, we don't actually know each other. Like, we've never met. That kind of thing isn't usually daunting to me, but she'd probably think I was a creepy stalker. Besides that, she's not Aussie, and I couldn't afford to pay for her stupidly expensive flight.
"Hi, I know we've never met, but would you mind shelling out $2000 for a flight and buying this pretty dress you'll never wear again so you can stand by me at my wedding?" I admire this woman and feel close to her... but yeah, nah. You know?

So yeah, that's my life. I'm unfortunatly not working until Saturday, and Bec and Chris are in the city today, so it's back to wedding planning for me. I'll likely be here a lot today too. Not necessarily saying much though. I don't know how to help people these days, there's been so many break ups, so many people dispirited...