My sister's visit is continuing to get better, which I'm relieved and happy about. Obi and I are of the opinion that her disinterest/nastiness the other day was simply that she doesn't want to get her hopes up. We're all afraid Obi will buckle when it comes time to tell his family and the plan will change. I can't blame her for that. But, for whatever reason, she was really lovely about it all yesterday, took an interest, asked what we'll be doing with our lives once we get back, and didn't freak out when I told her I'm not ready to go to uni. I didn't mention we're planning children though, because I'm not stupid. Over all it was great. She also said she wants to ship the boys off so we can do something just together, quality time and stuff. So that gives me hope.

In other news, I heard back from the celebrant I contacted.. so now I want to know... how much did you pay your priest or celebrant when you got hitched? Or friends/family members... what did they pay?
Because this woman wants $700 for a "normal" ceremony and an extra $50 on top of that for a pagan ceremony. $750! I pay less than that in rent per month. What the hell am I paying for exactly? (I'll be asking her that too, never you fear.) So yeah. Not cool.

Today is going to be great! I'm meeting some fellow forum goers for the first time, and we're going ice skating and stuff. ^^; I hate meeting new people for the first time, but it needs to be done.

And things with Obi are better than ever. He says that I've become much more demonstrative with my affection since he proposed (read: more clingy) and he's loving that and recipocating. It's even easier to talk to each other now, not that it was particularly hard before. It's just ahhh