Weeee. World is spinning. They reckon this dayquil stuff doesn't make you drowzy... yeah, whatever. I can hardly keep my peepers open. Least I did all my own work today. Bought some nice hand lotion for the girls at work to thank them for doing all my work for me yesterday. Things are so much different now, nearly a year later. I guess working with white people isn't as bad as they thought.

I'm just going to let my thoughts out. I have many, but most of them aren't connected.

Having trouble holding conversations. I hope I don't sound as out of it as I actually am.

I'm not looking forward to Bec and Chris leaving. Not at all. Secretly my heart is breaking. And I'm going to do this for the rest of my life? That's for another day. Got time to worry about that later.

Finding a celebrant is a jip. Apparently that crabby old bat was right $700 is accepted in the ranks. What a load of bull. Oh well, what are you going to do?

Jealousy pisses me off. I mean really people. Maybe this is what that coverting comandment in the bible was trying to avoid? Well the thing is, you have what you have, and you make the best of that. There's no point whineing about what you don't have or raining on other people's parade, you know? Everyone needs to learn how to just be happy for each other without whispering in the quiet corners of their minds "I wish that was mine," or "I wish we could do that". Life is not a competition.

This tea tastes like arse.

Obi will be home in ten minutes. Woo!

Wish the monitor would stay in one place. Feeling queasy.

Why does everyone think they have to proove their love to the world? Is there really that much opposition or are you imagining it? Do people really think you're weird for being in an LDR or do YOU think it's weird and are doing some kind of projected-feelings thing? I'm not making sense.

Stop leaving your damn snotty tissues everywhere. No wonder I'm bloody sick again. >.>

No! Leave your work at work! I can already see where this will go.

Angry. Think it's mostly because I'm sick.

Realised today that I'm scared of facing the summer. Shit scared. I remember how bad it was last summer, working working working, long hours, 6 days a week, occasionally 7. I remember being constantly sore and tired and not being able to function like a normal human. Don't tell me to change jobs though, I'm in for the long haul. Due for another pay-rise. I could make a killin this summer if it doesn't kill me first. I remember coming home and just crying, unable to function.

Obi's here, going to pretend I'm a good girlfriend, fiance thingie.