I'm so happy right now.

Last night Obi and I went for a walk. It seems to be the best place we can be for talking. We have our best conversations when walking aimlessly. We talked weddings and he was all happy and excited. I'm still getting over that he wants to talk about that stuff with me. And he's not being a pain in the arse at all. We actually want most of the same things. He's so perfect <3

Ok, I'll stop now.

But one of the things we spoke about was my bridesmaid issue I was having a while back. (Recap: I have an online friend. I really like her. Wanted to ask her to be a BM. Was worried she'd think I'm a freak. Was a tiny bit worried what everyone else would think too.) So I'm like "See, I have this friend. She's smart and funny and understands the religious side of the wedding stuff and I'd really like to ask her to be a bridesmaid... but I've never actually met her."
You know what he said? "So? We met online didn't we? Why should it matter?"

I love that man.

So today I got the guts to do it, and she said yes and I'm so stoked! And my other friend is all "I think I like her! She's so funny" which is a relief.

And on top of that, I figured out what I want them to carry. I know that sounds dumb, but when you're not having flowers it's a lot to think about. I decided that I want each BM to carry something relating to one of the elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water - I'm Wiccan) to put a little more faith in the ceremony without creeping out Obi's very Christian family. So I'm pretty excited.

Oooo. The men are supposed to have that little flower, and we're not doing that. instead of a hanky, maybe I could make them each something small and elementish too. Eehehe. I'm such a girl.

When I was getting a lift from Mom yesterday she was saying how Obi and I need to go over there and talk weddings soon. I'm looking forward to getting the "it's in Oz" talk out of the way and moving onto the fun stuff. I'm hoping she'll want to come wedding dress trying-on (I say trying on and not shopping because I'm sure I wont buy one lol).

I should really get off my bum now.
I love my life!!!