*Shivers* Damn it's chilly. I had the pleasure of walking to and from work in the rain today now I think the cold has seeped into my bones. I also have a blister on my foot the size of a 50c piece. Which is impressive really.

That aside, work's been decent. Inconsistant as hell, but decent. I started a health kick today (diet is a dirty word, so it's a health kick.) to make sure I'm fit enough to survive the summer (hotels are crazy busy in Summer) and because, well, I did gain some unnecessary padding over christmas lol. I hope I can stick to it. I told Obi that I need him to help me too, nag me a little even. So, at work I'm frocing myself to eat a piece of fruit before I eat the free cake. And I'm only allowed to eat the cake if I ate breakfast that moring, otherwise it's fruit and cerial. I make a lot of little deals with myself.

We told Obi's parents where the wedding is, and his dad took it remarkably well... because he already knew. He heard it on the grapevine of facebook lol. But, he didn't want to "spoil the surprise" for mom who didn't take it as well as I'd expected her to. Apparently, she had the whole thing planned out in her mind, including us getting married and having our reception at her church with her band providing the music. I didn't tell her that we wouldn't have had it at her church even if it was in Canada, because I have some tact, but I was secretly relieved that we avoided that converstaion. She tried pretty hard to put up arguments against having it at home, and Obi shocked the hell out of me. He told her very firmly that we've made our decision and trying to change that will not work. When she tried to guilt trip him about his sister being unhappy about the location he said calmly "then she can choose not to go" like he didn't care! (I know he does, but I was nearly convinced.)

It was funny though, I've read so many wedding articles online. How to save pennies, wedding ettiqute, blah reaking blah, and a lot of them say "don't feel pressured to invite people just to make other guests happy," etc. I'm like "who would do that anyway?"
People like Obi's mom. She started telling us that we HAVE to invite certain people. Obi's like "Who? Have I even met them?"
These are people that went to her wedding 30 odd years ago, who she has only seen once or twice since. It cracked me right up.

I really do love her, but she makes me facepalm on occasion.

Though, there was a moment where I thought she could have had more tact... or just not said anything at all. They were asking the usual questions, why Australia?, talking about money and the like. And she tells us flat out that they were going to help us financially with the wedding but now because it's in Oz they wont. Which is completely fair. I'm not saying it isn't. They have plane tickets to buy now, and will have to take time off work etc. I'm not stupid. But I really felt it didn't need to be said seeming we weren't asking for money, and wouldn't consider doing so. I don't know, it was more the tone she used than anything else.

We might go wedding dress shopping on Saturday, mom is free and so far, so am I. But! Obi has a friend who married an Aussie girl and has been living there but he's home to visit for a month, and we want to catch up with him too. I've suggested cooking dinner for him and the other guys of Obi's clique, and that will either be thursday or saturday. So, maybe wedding dress shopping in the morning and dinner in the evening? I don't know. Still waiting on replies for that one. I'm pretty excited to see him and meet their baby girl, but am bummed they didn't have the pennies for his wife to be able to come visit too.

Pennies are another thing that are heavily on my mind. Going to need a lot of luck this year! But I will resist the urge to financially plan in a blog post, so we'll leave it here for today.