Really it is. But this blog isn't about pasta, I'm just not so great with titles right now

Rant incoming!!

Allow me to say a big FUCK YOU BUDDY!
So, I have that friend who's having relationship problems because she's a slacker and needs to grow the hell up, right? Now ages ago I was job hunting with her and I saw her resume and I was like holy crap mate, no wonder you're not employed. I wouldn't hire someone with a CV like that so I don't expect someone else to. I pointed out a few things that were very wrong with it and offerd to fix it up for her quick smart. She said no. I was well aware of the fact she doesn't actually want a job, so I let it slide. Whatever, that was a couple of months back. When her bf finally cracked it the other day I offered again and she accepted.
I spent a couple hours working on it thismorning. I lied my arse off for her and provided a phone number for a good solid reference. I made her work history look less like she quits everything she starts and more like a smooth progression through jobs. I reformatted the entire thing, I'm pretty proud of it.
She comes on msn, we talk for a bit and I pass it over. Nothing. She doesn't even acknowledge that I sent her the damn file. She's just like "ok I'm going for a nap now." Can I stab myself in the face with this fork please?? Two words. I just want two words. "Thank you".

No, too much to hope for. Ugh.

That aside, life is good. Work was awesome yesterday. I actually had a lot of fun. There were a lot of rooms, but they were all clean, and my supervisor stripped the linens and towels so we didn't have to. She was very greatful I came in on such short notice, as none of the other girls life close enough to have made it on time. (Ranny called in sick very last minute)
There's a work crew doing maintenance stuff that's been there for a few months now, and one of the guys is an absolute gem. So freaking funny and I love the way he talks/sings. He's a newfie. Before you get the wrong idea he's also like 45 years old, possibly older, and there's no attraction there. He's just a cool old bloke who brightens my day when we pass each other in the hall, which was a lot yesterday. He was working in a room I needed to clean for an arival, so I was politely trying to get him to hurry it up. Anyway, he finally gets out of there, and my supervisor was asking him about a bunch of rooms his men are in, including that one.. he's like "I'm done in there, but the bed is still unmade!" and I respond "I'm getting to it right now, bloody slave driver!". For that he tells me he's the nicest guy I'll ever meet, second only to Obi (who he's never met). I commented "Gee, you're confident aren't you?" meaning in himself, but he took it a different way and said "For a lovely girl like you to have chosen him I know he must be a top bloke". Awe, thanks! lol

There were just a bunch of little things like that, jokes with my supervisor, and the 70 year old woman who will work herself to death at that hotel... so funny. And free lunch

I even got in a friendly tiff with the laundry guy (I know it's bad of me, but I really love to argue. Fun Miri fact of the day lol). We were watching the news during our break and there was this really sad thing on about how homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death in parts of Africa. He's like "Do you support gay marriage then?" and I'm like "Yes of course. I don't give a shit who's sleeping with who!" I don't know.. it was liberating to know I'm the only person in that room that supports homosexuality, and to not feel embarrased or anything when I speak up about it. Granted, all the other women have arranged marriages and they think I'm pretty damn strange to begin with because I'm of the lesser race (ie, I'm white, and they think that's a handicap a lot of the time. It's funny.) But still. It's a huge step for me with this anxiety disorder. I remember a time not to long back where I didn't have the ability to speak in most social settings and now I'm all like RAWR! haha

I am really sad about that stuff in Africa though. Seriously. They don't need to kill their gays, they need condoms and education. *Shakes head*

I'm going to have one last cuppa, and then I'll attack my list of stuff for today. Sounds like a plan.

So, I need to find my sink. I know it's there under that mound of dishes. There was never this many dishes when Bec was here. Kinda wish I'd gotten some of the neat freak gene. I aslo need to find the kitchen table. I know it's there because all that shit can't possibly be hovering suspended on fat air. There must be a table. There's also the floor that needs vaccuming, and the bathroom to scrub. Tomorrow I know Obi's having at least one mate for dinner... oh shit! *runs off to dig the bird out of the freezer* Woo. Glad I was blogging or I'd have completely forgotten to defrost the chicken. Anyway, at least one mate.
D, Michelle, Ryan, Mom and I are going dress shopping tomorrow, which I'm excited and scared about, and after that I don't know if they'll want to hang around and be fed or not. They might be sick of me. So it might be one mate for dinner or it might be four or five. We'll see. So that'll be fun. But I need to clean my burrow first or I'll be embarrased as hell.

I've also got to run to the bank - in the rain >< -for which I'm pretty excited. I'm making the last deposit into our house savings fund and then locking it in to a term deposit to fester until we come back to Canada. Obi and I agreed that we're not touching our house savings for the wedding, but we also know that with so much to save for this year no more is going into that account after today, so best to lock it in now.

Thinking of which, sending out a big thankyou to my financial advisor Silviar, who's advice and support helped me convince Obi that we do not want to invest this money we want to leave it in a nice safe bank to grow slowly. <3

And then I'm going to play a little WoW to reward myself for being a good girl. I'll edit some novel because I'm getting excited about it again. I'll dress up pretty and put on some make-up and cook Obi a nice dinner and we can have a "home date" when he gets back form work. It'll be the perfect Friday. *nods*

And that, dear freinds, is the end of this ramble.