I will do my yoga in a minute, but for now, I need to ramble, get this shit off my chest before I go to work and need to act like a regular human.

Last night I skyped with Bec, she'd just gotten home from the long trip to our home town to see our lawyer - well, the lawyer for mum's estate, which is different. Good to know.
Chris emailed me the 26 page statement that Dickhead has written in the hopes of taking our house so that he "might buy suitable accomadation in the region." Buy it with your own money fucker!! Gah. Anyway, Obi has asked that I do not read it without him. I'm afraid that he's going to really see a side of me he doesn't like. But, he's seen it all before.
We'll borrow his dad's printer tonight.

So now, I have to remember every detail of my family's dealings with Dickhead and find evidence to back up all my claims. I don't want to delve into my past. I made a lot of mistakes. I almost wish I could contact "P" and get a statement from him, but he's such a twisted man he'd likely go behind my back and give Dickhead support instead. I think I will contact Celtic though - the ranga bitch I was living with and working for who was supposedly my best friend but threw me out on the street two weeks before my final exam. I think she's likely forgiven me now. I just am scared to speak to her encase I forgive her too. I have trouble holding a grudge.

I need to get in contact with my shrinks from that period, particularly "aunty Gwen" and I hope she's A) still alive and B) still in Australia (She spends a lot of time in her home country.) There's a whole bunch of people I'm going to need to contact, and it'd be so much easier if I were in Australia.

Bec was good to me too... The lawyer was like "Where's your sister, she should be here." And Bec's like "She's busy living her life. She's in Canada and I'm not calling her home unless I absolutly have to. She'll be back in September and that's it."
Why doesn't that make me feel less guilty?

But, I've got this shit. I've never gotten a teritary education, but I excelled in law in highschool - I was in the top 5 students for my state, and that has to count for something. I'm also a writer. I know how to sway an audience, and I know how to write and not sound like a bogan (surprising but true). I have (well Obi has) MSN records streching back 7 years. We have letterbooks from the period I was living with Dickhead. My personal diaries are in the wring country >< shit. I guess Bec can post them to me though if need be. Bec's got proof of him hitting our mum, and most of the financial records of what she had to pay for. We have people who will vouch for us when we say he never once came with her to chemo, never did anything around the house, we have photos of the damage to the house. But what else? I need to think and to gather.

I need to write the best rebuttal I can. And then, I need to start at the start and tell my story.

This is only one thing that's stressing me today. But it's the biggest one.
I'm going to find a way to slide SOMETHING off my plate today. It wont be this, but I need to knock over some stressors before they knock into me.
I'll be back later.
I hate that Dickhead.