This is what I'm thinking, in no order at all.

You do not have a 15 hour time difference, I'm sorry. The world is round. Once you get to 12 hours, it starts decreasing again. Yeah, the day changes, but I know I'd rather be on different days 5 hours apart than on the same day 11 hours apart. I think some people like to make it sound bigger badder and worse than everyone else's LDR when really it's not a competition. End rant one.

Weekends only is not ok. REALLY not ok. This isn't what I signed up for. You're hurting my feelings, damaging my self worth and making me resentful. Please try harder. I feel like you don't care, but you say you do. Show me! I make the effort for you even when I'm not interested. Fair go mate. I don't want to hurt you. I know it's a touchy subject, but nothing I'm doing is working. I don't want to feel like this anymore.

I heard what you said last night. I wanted to cry. You don't see it. I can't believe he moved in on your innocence like that. I went to Obi for comfort, I was distressed. I told him I feel bad because I wish everyone could have a fairy tale like mine. I wanted to scream that you could do better, that you're being used. He hurt you. I couldn't get that out of my mind. He took your innocence and hurt you and you think that's ok

Why are you doing this to us? You're middle aged. You have no family who care about you, one friend who's often not there for you, you drive everyone away from you. What good will this battle do you? You'll hurt more people and get money. Money will not fix your problem it will just help you drink yourself to death quicker. I don't know how you're even still alive. You smoke two packs a day! Why are people like you alive, but good people like my Mum are not? I wish you would just die and take this stress out of our lives. I know that makes me a bad person, but I can't help it. The world doesn't need you.

I don't want to feel like this today. I wish you were here.