So! What's happening?

Well right now I'm a smidge nervous. I'm home alone and Obi is visiting his best mate to talk about the wedding. The best man gave us the heads up that Obi's best mate has realised that visiting Australia will be expensive and with all the other things he wants to buy is likely to tell us he's not going. His best mate. They've known each other at least 20 years. It makes me shake my head. But anyway. I'll come back to this.

We've been working on gifts for the groomsmen. We know what we're giving the best man, and we'd discussed giving Obi's best mate our car when we leave. Now before you're all like OMG a car?! Remember that this car was given to us for free, and we're making an international move. All we'd lose would be profits from selling it and really, who cares? Now, it's not the best car on earth, but for a guy who's just about to get his N it's more than fine. It still looks decent, and it goes well. It's a good car and I'll miss it. (Had some good times in that car lol)

Now, one of the reasons (the best man tells us) that the best mate might not go to the wedding is because he wants to buy a car. So... now it kinda feels like we're bribing him, even though we decided ages ago that giving him the car would be a great idea. And, that just makes us both sad. So they are talking about that and any other concerns.

I hope it goes well though. Obi will be crushed if his nearest and dearest aren't there. Especially because this friend is always bragging about how much money he's making now. It's not like he can't afford it, more that he wouldn't want to. Obi's been pretty upsett and stressed over it (and the situation with his sister, which hasn't imporved. She bearly spoke to us at all during Easter's family gathering.)

That aside, his mum and dad want to give me money for my wedding dress. I already bought one. But, if it turns out to be a nightmare, they are more than happy to help me try again. I was really touched. His mum is like "well you don't have a mum... so... " they are also funding the entire engagement party out of their own pockets. Which is pretty wow because these people are usually tight as a fishes arse. So I'm flattered, and the support is amazing.

Between us things have been pretty good. We've both had some personal rough patches lately, but we seem to be pulling together more than tearing each other apart over it, and that's nice. I really hope we can lodge the damn visa application this week. But, in a way it's good. I think if we got it and we still had like 3 months before we could use it, I'd be having even more of a crisis. But we can't delay any longer with it because if we dont get it in time that would be a nightmare. It's irrational, but if feel like if I go home alone he wont follow me. It's funny because he felt that way about coming back here together. But my ticket is set in stone, non-refunable etc, so with or without him I have to get on that plane.

I should do something nice for him. I think I'll go write a love note on the bathroom mirror in lipstick. Or something.