I bet you're all wondering how I can blog so much in one day. Well I like to write and I have free time so Ha!

Now, this post is likely to show the bad parts of my personality. It might get offensive. Sometimes I need to vent and I'm more harsh verbally than is warented. I'm also not Christian. I dont have anything against Christians, but sometimes they piss me off. There are a lot of things I don't like within that religion. So if you're likely to get offended, stop here I don't want to damage any friendships in my moment of un-political-coreectness-ness.

End disclaimer.

My mother in law is Christian. I may have ranted about this in the past. In fact she is very very Christian. The good kind, for the most part. She full of love. She helps people. However.....

Well, let's start closer to the begining. With Obi working that forces me to walk to work. For some reason me walking for more than an hour each day has always bothered Mom. So as soon as she gets wind of it, there she is at my house 8:30am every day to drive me to work. This is enormously helpful. Seriously. I am very greatful. I swear half the reason she does it though it to trap me in her car for 20 odd minutes a day (in two sessions) to try and convert me.

I don't mind talking religion with her - or anyone else- but there needs to be respect. And tact. She lacks the latter and doesn't think I deserve the former, because I'm wrong. Anywhoo..

The newest thing in her world is prophetic prayer. Basically, asking God for information and hearing his messages. Pretty cool. I used to work as a psychic so I have a pretty good grasp on how visions work, divination etc. In the bible it says to stay away from divination, but apparently prophetic prayer is ok becuase she doesn't define it as divination. And apparently it's not "the enemy" talking to you (as would be in divination) because you ask whoever you're talking to "Do you serve Jesus Christ?" and "the enemy"/satan/the demons can't lie and say yes they do. I'm not sure why they can't lie but they can't, that's how it is. So, anyway, she's in groups of other Christians doing this stuff, she gets emails from strangers and does it for them and all that.

So that's nice. It's when she starts getting on her high-horse about "the enemy" that I start to fray at the edges. Many Christians will tell you that there's God/Jesus/Holy Spirit and the enemy - Satan and his minions. And nothing else. If you're not with God you're against him - If you worship a different God you're deluded. The enemy is fooling you, you're really worshiping him.

Uhm no. Fuck you. Do these people even read the bible? In the bible it clearly says in more than one place THERE ARE OTHER GODS! Yes, it says the Christian God wants to be the only one you worship. But there are still other Gods. Satan is NOT a God. It pisses me off no end that Christians conveniently forget this fact. The bible also says there were people outside of the garden of eden. People belonging to other Gods.

So there's that. There's also all the little "I've helped save so many people, I can help you too" things going on.

Now also she's been anoited as a healer within her church. Good for her. Being a hippy tree hugging pagan I've been part of healing rituals before. I've done spell craft. I've heard of and experienced faith healing. I can channel healing energy. I've touched on rekki and been attuned. I've prayed for healing and recieved it. And a whole slew of stuff. Disbelief is not a problem I have. I know this stuff is possible even if she does sound like a loon.

But a big part of my faith is the principle "To Be Silent". You don't brag about this stuff. I don't tell you that I danced around naked for half an hour and healed my best friend's cat, so I don't want you telling me that you're going around touching people so God can work throuh you. It's just... no. Ok?

When we were packing boxes standing in the sewer water, she's like "I think God was trying to tell me about this earlier but I wasn't listening. I've never recieved a prophecy about an event only about people." later retelling the story to someone else she's going on about how she "knew". Sure you did. That's why we had to phone three times before you picked up. >.>
I've seen this thing in pagans too. But really... don't brag. No one believes you. And keep your story straight.

Now, her mom is in town to see a doctor, she has a bad break in one finger. Her mom is very christian too, so Obi's mom wants to pray with her/over her. Cool, more power to you. Whatever. But, instead of just doing it - she shouts it so the whole house knows that she's about to attempt some prayer healing. It's just so.... dramatic. I think that's what my problem is. It's all "look at me look at me" and I'm totally not that kind of person to begin with (I copped a beating for bragging as a child. I learnt that you don't do it. *shrug*) especially when it comes to religion. Tell your husband, your coven or your church, or your closest friend. It's private.

I feel overwhelmend by Christianity right now. I clean their church as my second job. The raido is always playing the Christian station. Any time dinner is at the table we have to pray. She's trying to get us to have more and more Christian music at our wedding reception. There's sheet music of praise hymns all over the house. (Ad that's fine, it's her house, I'm just expressing here). She's talking about it constantly and loudly. It's never a discussion. I'm not allowed to share my beliefs with her because I'm wrong, there is no other viewpoint than hers. I do my best to be polite and not hurt feelings. Some of the things she comes out with are SO offensive, but I swallow it. I know that wont last forever though.

The problem is I have studdied Christianity - both as a Christian and as a Wiccan. I did a comparative study for my major project for my HSC - a year's worth of work. I can argue this shit well. I know that religion almost as well as I know my own. *Sigh* I feel less overwhelmend now though

It might be along two months.