Starting off with a cute story from the other day...

We'd just gotten home (this was when we actually had our own home and not living here with the parents) and it was night. The sky was pretty, and well, I'm not at all equolent when I'm shitbagger tired (like right now in fact!) so, hanging dreamily out the car door after we parked I look up and say "The sky is so pretty"
Obi responds "Yes it is, but you're better off down here on earth with me. It's not time to go home yet."

I smiled, but I didn't really make anything of it. I got out of the car and as we were walking in he says "What, didn't you think that was sweet at all?"

I go "I don't think there's anything particularly sweet about you insinuating I'm an alien, no."

And he cracks up. Apparently, a normal young woman would have realised he was calling her an angel, not an alien

Back to today! My feet are killing me - this is normal. 9 hour day, one ten minute break, then walked home. My hands are also killing me. They are itchy and unhappy and the skin has broken open in several places because they've dried out. Not working tomorrow though, so they'll have time to heal up again.

I begged to get a shift today. Had I not gotten a shift today it's likely I'd have gone to work and just helped out for free - that's how much I didn't want to go to the big family sushi event. And, as you all know, I freaking love sushi. But it was mostly so everyone could see Obi's sister whom I detest. I'll take any opportunity not to have to hang out with her. Seriously. And that almost makes me angry. Why can't she just be a good person rather than a self-centred stuck up bitch, so we can be friends?

When she was inviting everyone to come with her Obi asks me if I'm working and if I'll go. I said that although I didn't have my timetable yet I'd make sure I was working, and I def. was not going. He sighed and put on his face and goes "I hope you can get over that soon" (ie me not liking her). It kinda pissed me off actually. I have done nothing but go out of my way for the bitch. I am flawlessly nice to her, and have been from day one. I don't make scenes at family night, or any other nonsense. He's the only one who has an inkling of how I feel about her, and he knows exactly why - yet for some reason now that she's sucking up to us and being all over us like a rash I'm supposed to somehow forget everything and just like her? She can give me a reason to like her first! I've never once seen her be nice, genuinely I-don't-get-anything-in-return nice, to anyone at any time. Gah!

Thinking of sisters, my new one wants to meet us, and is thinking of coming to the wedding This is all very big and emotional for her. She seems lovely. Kinda starting to which we'd looked her up years ago. (We have the same father, but different mothers.)

I better think of eating. There's instant noodles with my name on them...