This is mostly a rant and might turn ugly. Look away!

So, the engagement party is tomorrow. Obi's out of town grandparents are staying with us, and mom's brother and her wife will decend tonight. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. If I can't handle just this many people how am I going to get through the lead-up to the wedding... Gods.

Well I bet being stressed to start with is what's making it noticable. And the fact that we've hung out with people like every evening this week, and will for the next couple of days. I'd really love a night just us. We haven't had time alone in too long. It's my 9th day on the floor in a row at work today and I'm worn out. I'll get overtime pay for sure this fortnight. They want me to work tomorrow and sunday too (even though I only worked Thursday in exchange for the saturday off, and I've said all along I'm not coming in in the morning of Sunday because I'm planning on being tired if not hung over.) I'm pretty sure I will tell them no - but I just really hate letting my team down.

Tonight I have to work my second job (with Obi at least yay!) as well as attend a probably uncomfortable family dinner at the only place these people ever go to (which isn't even that good). And we'll pitch in to pay with money that we shouldn't spend >.> Eating out is such a waste! Ugh.

Anyway, if that's not enough, I've been getting lifts to work which I am SOOO greatful for because it's a long walk (about 45 minutes from here) but some mornings mom decides to sleep in and doesn't want to drive me. But she doesn't tell me this - she just leaves me to fend for myself. Obviously if I'm to walk and make it on time I need to know well enough in advance. Luckily, dad will take time to drive me if she doesn't, or I always find a way to manage, but it's just frusterating. I'm late to work every bloody day, and they are late picking my up at the end of the day (sometimes so late I could have walked and gotten back at the same time!) but if I just take it on myself and walk they get offended and act all weird to me. I really can't win >.<

And of course if I'm in the car with mum, she's usually preaching to me. Yesterday on the way to work she's telling me how the holy spirit filled her with rightous anger and she cast some kind of enemy spirit out of one of her church friends and that story ended as she pulled up to work's enterance. So she draws herself up in her car seat, and she's speaking very loud because she's excited, and she lays a hand on me and asks the holy spirit to fill me and make my work day good and some other crap, and honest to God I was frightened. Never mind the fact she knows I'm Wiccan and only my good breeding stops me telling her to jam her religion and leave me alone - that aside it was just plain scary.

I messaged Dustin over it and he said he'd be trumatised too, and some other lovely things that helped me with it. <3 But still. I don't know how I can draw the line on this. She a really lovely person, and she really is connected to God (you can feel it, she's not just batshit crazy) but there's a line and anything that involves touching me probably crosses it. I'm happy in my faith.

She gets worse with each passing month. I'm terrified that when she comes to our nice earthy pagan wedding she's going to freak the hell out. And I know I need to at least warn her (because she's probably too dense to realise other religions do their own things) but I don't know how. I have all these visions of her trying to cast out the enemy's demons and free me from my delusions (this is what she calls my religion) when I'm up there at the altar. Or she'll get up at the reception and start praying for everyone who watched it to protect their souls or SOMETHING. And no, I'm not over-reacting, this is the kind of person she is.

I'm glad I let that all out. It might help me have the right conversations when the time comes.

In other news she's up. We're supposed to leave for work in four minutes... but we can't go, and I'll be late again, because her husband is in the shower and she can't get her brush?! You married him! You've had kids! You've seen each other naked!! Just go get your damn brush!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Can't wait til we're living alone again.
That will be all.