Obi will be home soon, and that will be lovely. His parents are going to a movie tonight and that's even better.

This is mostly an update.

Mom was actually really nice - she did my second job for me last friday so I didn't have to (it used to be her job ) and I will get paid for the work. Awesome.
The engagement party was pretty fun too. Hopefully someone gives me their pictures from it so I can post some. It taught us a lot about what we can expect for the wedding. It actually felt really lame at points because there just wasn't enough people. So, we know we need to invite more people (there were 20 at the party). Obi's dad contacted my sister and got a bunch of family photos, so the slideshow was actually balanced and non-awkward. It was pretty funny. I heart him.

Work, dear Gods. So like I said, I worked the Thursday in order to have the Saturday off. Well my supervisor is still sick, so she wasn't there to confirm this. But I told the woman who was filling in I AM NOT COMING. I was very clear. VERY CLEAR. 9am Saturday rolls around and my phone wakes me up - it's the receptionsit wondering if I'm supposed to be working because my roster says I am. I explain what heppened and that I'm not working. Ten minutes later the old bat I'd argued with the day before calls me demanding I come in and she wont let me off the phone! Evenutally I backed down. I could not stop crying, I was shattered to have to go in (I cry a lot if I'm exhausted). But, it was obviously very important. So, an hour late I went in. And.... THEY DIDN'T FUCKING NEED ME AT ALL. I got all my work done in 3 and a half hours and left. It was rediculous. I was furious.

I can't wait to quit. Obi's home yay!
His parents haven't left yet so I'm still hiding in this room though...