Well holy crap. I have 9 days of work left. Maybe less if I get a day off next week. (I doubt that though seeming I'm quitting before the weekend.) I can handle that. 9 days. I was starting to feel bad really. See, I'm quitting two weeks before we leave, because I need to close my bank account before we go (fees are huge) and I'd be payed for that two weeks of work five days after I'd left the country. So I'd have to leave the account open, then pay the transfer fee to put it in an account I can actually use in Oz, or I'd have to open a new account, change over my deposit details at work and still pay the fee to convert the money or I could get it sent to me as a cheque, or ask my boss to give me cash in hand. (Which I doubt she'd do, but the other girls at work keep telling me to ask so I can keep working.)
My MIL has also indicated she thinks it would be best for me to work until the day we leave.
We could use the money, but it's not that important.
And it would be a lot of stuffing around, and I hate stuffing around. And, Obi said I could quit months ago, he really doesn't care if I work at all because of all the time I supported him, and because he knows how much I'm worn down from this job. I keep trying to tell myself that having two weeks off doesn't make me a bad person, but a lot of the time I'm not succeeding.
But whatever. 9 days until I'm free, and if that makes me a lazy bitch, so be it.

A thread over in the Ramble section has got me thinking about NaNo. That and Obi constantly telling me I need to start writing again. I do have the itch, but like for many artists of any variety, sometimes it's hard to just do it even though I know I love it. Weird I know. But anyway, NaNo! November is on the horizon. I don't know if I'll be able to do it this year. Will we be out on our own yet? What kind of job will I have? Will I be in an LDR? Will that LDR screw me emotionally and make me not care about my story?
What's the big deal right? It's just NaNo. Well, the series I'm writing started with NaNo. I'm editing the first book (nearly done yay) and the second book was also a NaNo novel, but I haven't finished it or even read over the shit I wrote since last year. If I write this year it'll likely be book three. I can't do that until I finish book two. That's a lot of work. So I need to make up my mind if I'm going to commit to this. I have two weeks off coming up soon. I would be a ****** to waste that, and I know Obi will be very upset if I just piddle that time away.

Really the meaning of this ramble is to convince myself I'm going to put in the hard yakka and get it done. I love NaNo. I also hate the feeling of failing though, I don't want to start if I don't think I'll get through it.

In other news, still no visa. There's still time. I think I need to pray a bit harder.

Living here is wearing us both down. It's mostly his mum. She's so lovely. But really we just want her to shut up and leave us alone occasionally. Like after work. It's making Obi irritated and he's been snapping at me (likely I'm doing it too). We've had a few stupid tiffs because we're on edge. The lack of visa isn't helping with that either. He wants to start applying for jobs back home, which is a good sign, but there's only waiting that we can do.

We've been spending a lot of time together working on the wedding centrepieces though. That is to say he's working, I'm reading to him or working on my book of love. He's drawing them, then digitally colouring and all that stuff that I'm jealous of because I'm hopeless at it. I don't think he'll be done in time, no way, but we'll work withwhatever he manages to create. I'm pretty excited about it.

Good news - about two weeks ago, I sent one of my best mates a birthday card. It had quite a bit of money in it (I owe her money because she supplies me with BC, and some money for her b'day as well). It was supposed to take 4 days to get there, but she never thanked me. I'm like "did you get my card? I sent it to the address on you SO's website". Well it turns out that the address online was mixed up. The house numbers were for her house, but the street number was her mothers. So my card went to no-where ville. I was pretty put-out by this, but I tried not to be upset because it's just money. I can earn more money. Well, Canada post is pretty awesome. They returned the card to me yeaterday. It totally made my day

I don't know if someone said something to mum or not, I know it wasn't Obi - but she's eased up on me too. She hasn't preached at me in three or four days, and when I'm in the car with her she even chances the raido so I don't have to listen to Praise 106.9 (or whatever it is lol). It's odd. But nice. It's really nice. I hope we can just be friends and respect each other without me converting.

Back home, Bec has put so much work into our house. I finally can see the photos on FB (she'd put them up, but the privacy was set to "only me" so no one could see them and she didn't realise. I was talking to her on msn and she's like "you never said anything about the photos" and I looked for the album and I'm like "there's nothing here!" so I signed into her facebook (yes, we know each other's passwords haha) and there they were! so I fixed it). I'm so proud of her. I owe her so much! There's still plenty to be done though.

And that's pretty much it for now. I feel lighter after having blogged. I'm quite sociable today.
How are you? If you read this far you should get a medal. Send me a message and tell me your life story too?