Right so, my question of the day is this: Why do people feel the need for "sexy" facebook profile pictures? I don't need to see down your shirt while you lie on the bed and I really don't need to see you in your lingerie either - even if you think you're a model, and by the way you're not - posing for your ex boyfriend who happens to be a photographer and not being paid for it makes you as much of a model as I am. /End catty woman bitchyness. Sorry, there's no real apropreate place to vent that

What else is happening? Well, I let one of my mates back home ship something to this address because you can't ship it into Australia. (Which is annoyingly common actually). He didn't tell me there'd be a fifty buck COD fee on it though >< Oh well, it may be a little annoying but he's a good bloke and I know he'll pay me back.

It's D&D tonight. I should be setting up. Ugh. I don't want to play. I asked Obi yseterday "Do we have to have D&D tomorrow?" and he said no. But, there was no mass text today cancelling it, so I guess I got over-ruled. And I wont say anything, I know I'm (potentially at least) stealing him away from all his mates and I have to be nice and everything. I get that. But, ugh. And I can't even "call in sick" or whatever because we use my laptop to skype in the friend that moved... so, what am I going to do? Sit in our room with no entertainment? I can't even work on my petticoat instead because they'll be at the table.

Thinking of which, yesterday I started sewing my petticoat for under my wedding dress. If I don't fuck it up too much it'll be done for $30, and you can't argue with that. It's red. Bright red. Hahahaha.
I can't sew at all really. I got the underskirt/slip thingy done, and it fits and doesnt seem like it'll fall apart, however, it's longer in some places than others. thankfully it goes under the dress right? I'm laughably bad at sewing.

Mum pissed me off a little though she's like "why didn't you just let me buy you one?" and "Oh well if it turns out bad I'll get you one." No, you wont. We had this talk. I asked her that if she wants to waste money on me/the wedding to help us pay for Obi's sisters flight - because it's a huge expense and we could really use help with it (especially as it's obvious she doesn't appreciate it). And for a while she was all like "I'll talk with daddy, maybe we can pay the whole thing.. blah blah" well his mum is generous but dads a tight arse (funny story coming up after this) and I'm pretty sure he overruled her because she's not offering anything now.
You're probably like "why not just let her buy you stuff, and put the money you would have spent on the flight?". The answer here is that the amounts of money are vastly different. She was offering to buy a $200 veil (at the time she said i could trade that for ticket money) - I got one second hand for $30. Now she's offering for the petticoat which looks to be about $100 if I get it made by the china shop that made my dress - and again, doing it myself for much less... soo it just isn't evening out you see?

And I know I'm a bad person for saying anything because they footed the bill for the engagement party - but, it was a party we didn't want/need/intend to have and it was for people who couldn't make the wedding - but most of the people who went have rsvped that they'll be at the wedding (or we didn't invite because we don't want them there anyway!). So it just looks like this massive waste of money that could have really helped us out. It's lovely people want to help, I do really appreciate that, honestly I do. But when you offer to help someone, shouldn't you make sure your efforts actually make a difference?

Story time. From the engagement party some people gave us cards. Some of them were very lovely too! I was touched.
However, we noticed something worth chuckling over. Every card from his mum's side of the family had money in it. Every card from his dad's side did not. (And none of the young people gave cards at all.) It was amusing because there was such an obvious divide - it just shows the values and customs people are surounded by I guess.

Not much else going on. Still waiting to find out if I work tomorrow. I bet I do. 7 shifts left (Assuming I have at least one more day off) I never want to go back again! (Thank you for the kind words telling me I'm not a lazy bitch btw <3 )

I might get the chance to meet another fellow LFADer. That's if my sister will agree. She's flying through Sydney like a week after I get home, and I'm trying to convice Bec to let her sleep on the sofa because she has a long layover. But, Bec is very afraid of meeting people from online. Like, unreasonably afraid. So letting someone I "dont know" sleep in her house may very well be asking too much. And that's understandable. It's funny though because Bec's such an open giving person. She'll invite strangers home from the pub for a few more beers, but she wouldn't meet up with someone from the internet no matter how long she'd known them because it wouldn't be safe. *lopsided smile*

Better go eat and get ready for D&D. Sorry for being a debbie downer today. I'm just tired and hungry I'll be nice again once I eat, that's usually how it happens. Love love and Carrots!

Edited to add, hours later:

And now we find out that dad took our car to the shop today (because when we tried to put petrol in the pump(s) kept kicking out like the tank was full, so we thought maybe a blockage) and apparently we need new tires. One of them is so bad it could blow out any minute because something has seperated from something else or something. You can see I'm not great with cars, but I understand "not safe to drive" and "blowing out causes you to lose control of car". Ugh.
This car, you may remember, is supposed to be a gift for one of Obi's groomsmen. Partly because he can either by plane tickets or a car this year. Giving him the car that we got for free seemed to solve everyone's problems.
I don't really need this right now. but everything always looks better in the morning right?