I'm home sick from work today, and I left early yesterday. Yesterday was totally genuine, today I'm just lazy. I wasn't the only one with the idea though, we know today's work will suck, so two other workers called in sick as well. *lopsided smile*
I ended up with a bit of heat stroke yesterday though, and that was... odd. Come on, it's Canada! It was only 27 degrees outside. But inside? in that hotel with no air circulation? With our stupidly thick uniforms? I couldn't take it. I was shaking and woosy and just couldn't get the work done. So I put in five hours and went home. My supervisor didn't mind. Apparently I looked terrible and she thought I should have left sooner

So, news with the car - it magically fixed itself. Our main concern was a problem with the petrol tank. We couldn't fill it, the pumps kept kicking out. But I guess when the mechanic was poking around in it he cleared a blockage or something because Obi tried it again yesterday and it filled up fine. We also swapped out the ruined tire for the spare, so it's driveable at low speeds. We'll buy a full set of good used tires before we give it away, and that's that solved. Thankfully!!
Something good comes out of this adventure though. I was talking to dad about it before we'd figured it out, and explained that what we were scared of was if we couldn't gift this car, Obi's groomsman might decide buying a car was a higher priority than the wedding. And he's like "You could scrap the car and give him the money to go towards his tickets or whatever, you'll pay a couple hundred to fix it at the least". I explained that we couldn't afford to fix whatever the problem with the petrol tank was, but our plan was to just poke at it and the air line, because if it was a simple blockage poking it might fix the problem. And if it didn't fix it we had nothing to lose - however we're totally willing to buy tires because we're so far over budget with our wedding party gifts that a couple hundred dollars extra is just... it's disapointing, but you get to the point where "your chips are commited" I think Obi would say. lol
Anyway, he was asking why the gifts are costing so much and I'm like "one of them is plane tickets..." and he nodded and said "Well I'm still trying to work on that". Which was odd. Very odd. He's a financial advisor. He manages his daughter's money. He knows she can afford this trip. So for him to pitch in and help anyway is totally awesome on his part (especially because he's a tightarse lol). I don't know, there were no promises there and I don't expect anything, but it was just nice is all.

Thinking of wedding stuff, Obi and I have spoken at length about our Stag/Stagette parties. Now, it does make me unreasonably uncomforatble. I'm not naieve. I know what can and does happen at those parties. I'm from a country where prostitiuation is not illegal. I have friends who are "working girls". And whilst I fully support them and their rights, I also don't want my guy doing that stuff. This one is mine, don't touch him. Haha. Now, I get that it's all "last night of freedom" but it's not an arranged marriage, we've been commited for years. His last night of freedom was a long time ago, plain and simple.

But, I'm also pretty reasonable and flexible, or atleast I like to think so. I know I can trust him, but he's not one to drink as heaviliy as that night will likely call for - he doesn't know what he's like when he's that far gone, and I know his mates wouldn't stop him (or might not be in a place where they could) if he forgot himself. I've gone to stripjoints with him, and I've seen him falter under the sales pitch while sober (he's easy to pressure) so God only knows what would happen when drunk and encouraged by mates.
Besides that, there seems like no where I can go to do the same things, so it's not even fair I mean I can go and see a strip show if manpower is in town, but they don't lapdance for you, it's all hands off and most of them don't even get naked. Meanwhile if you're a bloke you have this naked lady rolling on you giving you her panties with a possible blowjob on the side.

And, I could handle that if I was there and had the power to stop it at any time. Not being there though? Mmm no. I mean I still occasionally have issues about the people Obi slept with before we went official... We weren't even together and it gives me nightmares! So, yeah, not worth it.

The other thing we discovered is that most of my friends are of the lame and tame variety (which is cool, because so am I most of the time) and they aren't interested in coming out with me, getting plastered and seeing some naked manflesh. (And one of my BMs is a straight man so...). So for my hen's night (hereafter called a Doe's night because I'm not a bloody chicken) it'd likely just be my sister and I, and that's pretty lame. My Matron of Honour is like "And we can go out for a nice dinner..." Uhm no. I can have a nice dinner with the girls any time. I want to see some wang. Hahah.

So, we talked. It got uncomfortable, but we kept going. Now we're looking at combining our parties. The basic plan would be: He'd have some mates over in the early afternoon and they'd play some poker, maybe celebrate with a cigar and then head out to a few pubs (maybe pick up a few free drinks, random strangers can congratualte him, whatever). I'm hoping these will be regular pubs, but even if they aren't he'll be sober, and I can get over that. I don't want him to miss out on anything.

While that's happening my girls and I can probably go out for that nice dinner. I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo (this is the thing Obi is most uncomfortable with, so I'm not sure, and also we want to swim on our honeymoon, I don't know how long it will take to be water safe or uninfectable) or something. Something I know he wouldn't totally approve of. He's told me flat out no piercings - unless it's my ears. I don't know, I'm open to ideas. Not skydiving though, I'm terrified of heights

Then we'll all head back home by 8pmish, settle in, get the music going. 9pmish the strippers will arive. We looked online last night and agreed on what was ok and what wasn't. So the plan is to get two lady strippers and one bloke. (There will be more men at the party so this is only fair) All three will act as waiters/waitresses for three hours, in skimpy clothing. We agreed that lingerie waitresses were sexier than topless, and would be less jaring for any straight girls at the party. One of the ladies will do a full strip dance, and the guy will too. The guy also participates in Doe's night games (now I have to look some up!) and gives the Doe massages. So woo! This way, we're all in the same room. It's very safe. We have the power to stop each other if the comfort level is breached, and it's a gentle test for opening up the option of a threesome or something (which we've talked a lot about). It helps us see how we handle our jelousy issues and what we enjoy. Plus! I get to see naked women, which I totally wouldn't if I was out with Bec because she's not into that at all. She accepts me being attracted to ladies, but that's as far as it will ever go.

I can't talk to my girls about it yet though. Obi wants to run the idea by his bestman and best mate. Because they traditionally organise it and stuff, and I guess he doesn't want the experience to be a let down for them either. I know they have a lot of ideas I'm uncomfortable with (and some that Obi wouldn't go with either) such as giving him an escort, scoring him a pair of stripper panties, etc. Hopefully a combined party isn't too much of a compromise for them. I mean, I've been to strip clubs with the whole group before, and that was completely fine. They know I'm cool. But yeah, we'll see. Hopefully this is yet another tradition we can twist into something new and better.

Thinking of my girls, as you know a couple of them are struggling to come. One decided she'd get a credit card and stick the plane tickets and everything on it and just worry about it another day. And I was horrified. Seriously. And, she got a credit card. But, the limit is $300. So, pssh. She's not getting into trouble with that.
Now her plan is to get a loan, or two. So she can come to Australia, and so she can start school once she gets back and get a carrer. I fully support the carrer thing. The course she wants to take is cheap and I think she'd do very well. And maybe it would improve her work ethic. However - her SO is still in shitload of debt from his own loans which are taking forever to pay off from her long voluntary stints of unemployment, so he's not keen on the idea of her taking a lone to go on this holiday. She could just take a lone for the school stuff, or even save up for it, because it really is that cheap. And, he knows if she would save her money she'd have afforded the tickets by now, but she can't stop eating out and buying shoes. So yes, plenty of drama there. Why am I offloading this in my blog? well because she was texting me all night in distress over it and it's just... ugh. I love her and want her there, but I see what he sees - she keeps trying to take the easy road on it and she's going to get them both needlessly indebt for years. It's irresponsible and dumb. Besides, she's hell bent on getting married too (so much so that occasionally she has fits of jealousy that make her unable to be happy for me) and I know he wont ask her until they are financially stable. So, I don't want to support her shooting herself in the foot.
The other chick, my Matron of Honour, says there's a high chance of her making it. So that's a weight off my mind for now.

And I'll stop there, before the blog word limit makes me spilt this in two hahaha.
Carrots xx