So it's D&D night again, I should be setting up, but I'm blogging. Deja vu anyone? Haha

Today was my second last day at work. Everyone who wont be there tomorrow hugged me and said they'll miss me and tried to extract promises that when I come back to Canada I'll come work there again. Yeah, no, never going to happen. I like to believe I'll have a carrer by then. But, it's nice to know they think I'm a great worker and I'll be missed. They bought a Canuck t-shirt and all signed it, and gave me a card with a keyring for me, and one for Obi too. I was really touched. I will honestly miss my Indian friends. They don't have facebook >< but I've promised to email occasionally. It was just lovely.
Can't believe I finally made it to the end though. There have been times I've loved that job, and many more where I've hated it, or fantasized about death or injury so I wouldn't have to go. I looked forward to most days with a vauge dread. And tomorrow it's over forever. I can't get my mind around it.

I've asked Obi to do something nice for me to celebrate, but I don't know if he will or not. I'd love to go out for dinner or for him to give me flowers or something, but if it doesn't happen that's cool too. I understand there's a budget.

Things are busy too. This weekend we have a family day thing and then Obi and his best mate have their combined birthday party which will involve paintballing which I've always wanted to try. it isn't cheap but, I'm a bit put-out by how much it's going to cost! And then probably drinking, because the best mate only just discovered alcohol and that's what he does for fun these days. Obi and I have some absinth and other random 'special' grog that Bec bought us from europe. I assume we'll clean that up, no point in taking it with us. It's strong shit though, like the absinth is 80% O.O so that's a bit scary for sober Miriam. But you're young once right? So I guess I'll be as plastered as the rest of them.

Then next week Obi needs to see the doctor and get a check up and a tetnis shot (because he can't help us renovate our house without one) and then we're spending the rest of the day celebrating his birthday (two days early). I'm taking him to Monkido, which is like a huge obstical course built into the forest (in the air). Lots of climbing and adventure. I try to get him to experience something new each birthday. I'd also like to take him go-karting, but I don't know if we'll have the time, with travel and everything. My formular for the best birthday is: Present + event + dinner.
I'm hoping that he'll move next week's D&D to a different day so I can take him to dinner on his actual birthday, but we will see.
I want to pick up a small gift, even though he wont get his real gift until we get home (no point in buying him anything coz he wont have room to take it with him). Probably some manly lingerie. Yes. Or a tie or something.

There's also a garage sale happening on the weekend, and we have to clean the church (I'm keeping that job til I go) and get new tires for the car.

And next week I need to do some serious noveling and preping! And I need to add more fabric to my petticoat and upload the photos so people can laugh at how bad I am at this.

Obi hasn't even had a proper chance to talk to the boys about the party idea, and already they are resisting, so I'm nervous. He said to the best man that he wanted the three of them to get together to talk about it - and he's like "we can't talk about it - you're not supposed to know anything about it" and some other non-positive stuff. But we'll see. I had some awesome Ideas for it if it does go ahead, but I can't post them here because its way too raunchy. lol. But, let me tell you - the boys will never forget this night if I'm let free.

I'm also looking into how much it will cost us to fly to QLD shortly after we get back, because we have mates up there who are dying to see us and we don't want to wait til the wedding. This is of course if he gets a visa in time.

Life seems pretty exciting right now.
Spose I better go get D&D ready. Obi will walk through the door shortly.