Yesterday was GREAT. Busy, but that made it better.

We got tires for the car. Obi just wanted to replace the one, and be done with it, but his dad was having words with me about that on the side, and I got Obi to actually LOOK at the condition of the other three and he realised that it's just too big of a risk to drive that ourselves, letalone his mate who might be too dumb or cheap to replace the tires before winter. They obviously wouldn't make another winter. Some parts of those tires were completely smooth. So, we got four. And the guy knocked off the 12% tax because we paid cash, so that's something.
And then Obi fell in love with the car all over again. We thought for the longest time we needed a wheel alignment because you just couldn't ever drive straight. But now he can take his hands off the wheel and the car doesn't veer at all. It was magic! Haha

Then we went out and got his best mate a birthday gift, and in the process scored a free webcam to give his Granny before we leave. She'll appreciate that.

We always go out of town for our petrol because it's so much cheaper (even considering the petrol used to get there) so we did that and stopped at the mall out there that we've never been to. We go shopping more often now. I realised that being here with no girl friends, I never got to go shopping. That experience that was so prominent in my life before was just gone! And I never wanted to ask him to go with me because I didn't think he enjoyed it. It took me over a year to realise!! So anyway we were out doing that, and we hit a swimwear shop - only because the maniquen (sp) looked so hot we had to go in.
I tried some stuff on (similar to the plastic lady at the front) and Even though I know I'm fairly lucky with my body, like all chicks I do have issues with it. I'm not perfect and I know it. But I'm trying on this bikini anyway and dear lordy it makes me so flat chested. I mean I'm flat chested - and this tends to empasize that rather than hide it like most of my clothes do. They had padded swimwear, but I didn't like any of those styles.
But then I let Obi stick his head into my change room (because I wasn't walking out and showing anyone haha) and he said the nicest things to me! He made me feel pretty and sexy and just great. And then the fact my thighs are huge and I have no rack to speak of just didn't matter <3
So I got a bikini, which I swore I wasn't going to do. I need swimmers for our honeymoon, but I was set on getting a full piece, or a tankkini with a skirt bottom or something (something to not inflict the world with my flub haha). Incase your wondering the bikini I'm wearing in my profile picture I gave to my sister. The bottoms go see-through when wet, which is totally not ok! And even when dry I didn't feel comfortable in it. I was very concious of possible wardrobe malfunction.

Then Obi insisted on paying which was sweet and made my day. (Note: It's not about the money. I give him nearly all my money to put in his account anyway because it's easier and we do the "what's mine is yours" thing. So, it's exactly the same as if I'd used my card.) It's just nice when he pays

The talking in the car on the way home and then again later when we went to clean the church after family night really gave the day extra oomph. We were talking about our children. Like, really talking. I've never heard him sound so grown up, so ready for this. Some things were a worry. Like I was joking with his mum at family night - everyone was talking at once, the mood was good and I was the only one that caught this - the joke was that Obi had said "when you have your next kid <do something>.." and I joked with his mum about being pregnant at the same time as her so our kids can grow up together. And she said" you can't get pregnant right now because you'd have to be back in Canada within the year."

No one knows we're going to try and get pregnant immediatly after marriage. Well, my two best friends know, and Obi's married mate (who also married an Aussie girl) knows because they actually understand, but our families don't know. Obi reckons his mum has thought about me being pregnant in Oz and decided she doesn't like it and thus it wont happen. I do have concerns about them pressuring us to come home at that time - especially if Obi struggles with being in Australia like I struggled with being here. But we can cross those bridges later, I'm just thinking it over and being prepared. He seems unwarvering in the decision and that's good. I'm not having my first baby away from my support network, away from a medical system I know and trust... Maybe we'll come home for baby #3... but we were talking about our resoning for having kids in Oz and I thought to myself "even if those reasons weren't there, isn't it fair for me to bear children where ever I'm most comfortable? even if it wasn't logically and legally the smart thing?" I think sometimes we (generalising to people in LDRs everywhere) get so caught up in having to justify our actions to the bystanders in our lives we forget that "because we want to" is perfectly fine too.

And that's enough for one morning. It's time to barge Obi out of bed.