Today is the cut-off day. If we don't get a visa acceptance in the mail today, and I know we wont, we wont have enough time to get it in the post and get the passport stamped. If there's no mail today I go home alone. It's official then, irrefutable. It's a fact. The end.

Part of me is shaky and needy and almost believes in miracles. Thankfully the rest of me is smarter than that. Obi had today off because he had to go back to the doctor, but he's taking a large chunk out of the day to teach his best mate to drive. (At my suggestion, but I still wish I could hog that time). This mate has his driving test tomorrow. We were in the car with him yesterday. I'm willing to put money down that he'll fail. He's not a bad driver, but he's really hesitant and just.... not ready? I hope today gets him there though. But, because Obi's off today he has to work next Saturday... and that's my last weekend with him. And his family want time with us too, and his mates. I know he'll draw the line if need be though. <3

Yesterday was good. I took him to Monkido - basically an obsticle course in the air, strung between trees. It was really challenging and scary. We almost couldn't complete it. And then we went out for sushi again (with the above mentioned mate). We played some WoW after the mate went home, it's been ages since we gamed together, but I reckon we'll play a lot after I go home (well.. actually.. that's going to be awkward, because my family and friends are going to want a lot of my time too. But, whatever.) and we had some fun in the hot tub too. Getting all our fun in before the parents come back today. Which reminds me I better water the damn garden. whoopse.

We have to send back our wedding bands today to get them engraved. We have 30 characters (including spaces). I'm not sure what to go with yet, I don't just want something like the date too boring, but I don't want something funny like "Why is your ring off?" either.

I don't know. Blogging isn't soothing me today.
I love him.
I just want it over, but at the same time I don't want to do it.