It's weird to have had no contact at all. Not a single text today. Nothing. I haven't texted either, I'm trying not to cramp his style
I don't miss him particularly. I don't feel that desperate need to contact him. I'm not worried that he's been hit by another car or is flirting with girls or any of that random parranoid crap that aflicts the females of our race.
It's just weird, that's all.
Even though his family keep in contact with me, and I 'see' his friends on webcam because we play d&d together... I don't feel like I'm part of his life at all. It really is pen-pal-ish lol. We call each other, but we tell each other about what's been going on - we're not doing any of it together the way we were able to manage last time. I realise this will get even worse once I start working.

I'm nervous about tomorrow's interview, but probably a little overconfident at the same time. I've worked for these people before, I know what to wear and what answers are right for the interview questions. However - this is the city, there will be a lot more competition, i need to not assume the battle is already won.

I'm also nervous about my health, but no use panicing just now. It's been going on for a year, a few more days or a week aren't going to make or break me at this time. At least I'm finally doing something about it.

I'm bummed all over again about Obi not being here. There's a whole bunch of Wiccan events happening around here, and I'd love to get back into the pagan community - but I'm too scared to go alone and none of my mates would go with me. - Except one, who I still haven't managed to meet in person. >.>
There's so much traveling I want to do. I want to meet that friend (Used to be a member here!), I want to visit my favourite Aunt, I want to travel interstate and visit friends in QLD and visit my new sister in VIC. I can't ofcourse, I have $500 to my name and no job But everyone expects me to make trips and catch up - preferably before they have to travel down here for my wedding, and it's only reasonable that I make that effort.

Oh and our new sister (Angie) wants us to go down and spend Christmas with her family. How awesome would that be! I can't wait, I hope everything falls into place for it. I hope too that Obi is here for Christmas. He better be >.> So far we've managed to be together every anniversary and Christmas, and I'd really like to keep it that way!

But, it's 20 days in and I'm pretty much all settled back into life. Minus having my own place of course - or owning furniture! So that's something. I'm used to my sister (she's one of those people that get better the more time you spend with her - unlike regular flatmates/guests where the relationship deteriorates with time. It's always rough to start with.) again, though she still has a lot of power to hurt me with and she uses it! I'm having fun more often than not. I'm working out and feeling healthy (except my gearbox ) I'm eating less (less boredom eating mostly) Life is good, even if it's not awesome.

I'm a little stressed with wedding stuff. There's a lot of things you're supposed to get done by the three month mark. But, I know I have to ignore it and be patient!

But it's all flat without him here. That's enough ramble. Sorry for talking your ear off.